Sat Sep 7 15:00:20 UTC 2024

Wikipedia Color Contrast Errors

Baseline: 77

Scanned 50 pages.

40 pages without color contrast violations.

10 pages with color contrast violations.

Baş_Sahypa - Total Errors: 15

Selector Context Message > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="tr\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="tr:">Türkçe</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="tt\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="tt:">Tatarça</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="azb\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="azb:">Günorta Azerbaýjança</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="kk\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="kk:">Gazakça</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="az\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="az:">Azerbaýjança</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="uz\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="uz:">Özbekçe</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="ky\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="ky:">Gyrgyzça</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="ba\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="ba:">Başgyrtça</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="crh\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="crh:">Krym tatarça</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="sah\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="sah:">Ýakutça</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="ug\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="ug:">Uýgurça</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="tyv\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="tyv:">Tuvaça</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="gag\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="gag:">Gagauzça</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="krc\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="krc:">Garaçaý-balkarça</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > div.mainBlock > div.mainBlockContent > table > tbody > tr > td[style] > a[title="kaa\:"].extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="kaa:">Garagalpakça</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Türkmenistan - Total Errors: 25

Selector Context Message
<a href="/wiki/Pa%C3%BDtagt" title="Paýtagt">Paýtagty</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/A%C5%9Fgabat" title="Aşgabat">Aşgabat</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[href$="Prezident"]
<a href="/wiki/Prezident" title="Prezident">Prezidenti</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[href$="Dil"]
<a href="/wiki/Dil" title="Dil">Dili</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/T%C3%BCrkmen_dili" title="Türkmen dili">Türkmen dili</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[title="Gimn\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Gimn&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Gimn (sahypa ýok)">Gimni</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[title="Meýdany\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Me%C3%BDdany&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Meýdany (sahypa ýok)">Meýdany</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[href$="Ilat"]
<a href="/wiki/Ilat" title="Ilat">Ilaty</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[title="Garaşsyzlyk\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Gara%C5%9Fsyzlyk&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Garaşsyzlyk (sahypa ýok)">Garaşsyzlyk</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[title="Gün\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=G%C3%BCn&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Gün (sahypa ýok)">güni</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/27_okt%C3%BDabr" title="27 oktýabr">27 oktýabr</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[href="\/wiki\/1991"]
<a href="/wiki/1991" title="1991">1991</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[href$="Pul"]
<a href="/wiki/Pul" title="Pul">Puly</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[href$="Manat"]
<a href="/wiki/Manat" title="Manat">Türkmen Manady TMT</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[title="Wagt\ guşagy\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Wagt_gu%C5%9Fagy&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Wagt guşagy (sahypa ýok)">Wagt guşagy</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[title="UTC\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=UTC&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="UTC (sahypa ýok)">UTC</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[title="Telefon\ kody\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Telefon_kody&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Telefon kody (sahypa ýok)">Telefon kody</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[title="Internet\ TLD\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Internet_TLD&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Internet TLD (sahypa ýok)">Internet TLD</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[href="\/wiki\/\.tm"]
<a href="/wiki/.tm" title=".tm">.tm</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p > a[href$="Oguz_han"]
<a href="/wiki/Oguz_han" title="Oguz han">Oguz han </a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.92 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p > a[href$="Gorkut_Ata"]
<a href="/wiki/Gorkut_Ata" title="Gorkut Ata">Gorkut Ata</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.92 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=T%C3%BCrkmenistan_G%C3%B6rogly_beg_t%C3%BCrkmenin_eyyamynda&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Türkmenistan Görogly beg türkmenin eyyamynda (sahypa ýok)">Görogly</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.14 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p > a[href$="Magtymguly"]
<a href="/wiki/Magtymguly" title="Magtymguly">Magtymguly</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.92 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=T%C3%BCrkmenistany%C5%88_taryhyny%C5%88_Be%C3%BDik_Saparmyrat_T%C3%BCrkmenba%C5%9Fy_e%C3%BD%C3%BDamy&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Türkmenistanyň taryhynyň Beýik Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy eýýamy (sahypa ýok)">Turkmenbaşy</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.14 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > center > table.toc.noprint > tbody > tr > th[bgcolor] > > font
<font color="#009000">Türkmenistan</font>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.83 (foreground color: #009000, background color: #d0ffe7, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Serdar_Berdimuhamedow - Total Errors: 3

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox.vcard > tbody > tr > td > table.infobox:nth-child(1) > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td[colspan="\32 "][style] > div[style] > b > .new[title="Wezipede\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Wezipede&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Wezipede (sahypa ýok)">wezipede</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.79 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #e6e6fa, font size: 9.3pt (12.3904px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox.vcard > tbody > tr > td > table.infobox:nth-child(3) > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td[colspan="\32 "][style] > div[style] > b > .new[title="Wezipede\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Wezipede&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Wezipede (sahypa ýok)">wezipede</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.79 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #e6e6fa, font size: 9.3pt (12.3904px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox.vcard > tbody > tr > td > table.infobox:nth-child(4) > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td[colspan="\32 "][style] > div[style] > b > .new[title="Wezipede\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Wezipede&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Wezipede (sahypa ýok)">wezipede</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.79 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #e6e6fa, font size: 9.3pt (12.3904px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Türkmenistanyň_taryhy - Total Errors: 6

Selector Context Message > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > b >
<a class="mw-selflink selflink">Türkmenistanyň taryhy</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.42 (foreground color: #eaecf0, background color: #28ae66, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p > a[href$="Oguz_han"]
<a href="/wiki/Oguz_han" title="Oguz han">Oguz han </a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.92 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p > a[href$="Gorkut_Ata"]
<a href="/wiki/Gorkut_Ata" title="Gorkut Ata">Gorkut Ata</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.92 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=T%C3%BCrkmenistan_G%C3%B6rogly_beg_t%C3%BCrkmenin_eyyamynda&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Türkmenistan Görogly beg türkmenin eyyamynda (sahypa ýok)">Görogly</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.14 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p > a[href$="Magtymguly"]
<a href="/wiki/Magtymguly" title="Magtymguly">Magtymguly</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.92 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=T%C3%BCrkmenistany%C5%88_taryhyny%C5%88_Be%C3%BDik_Saparmyrat_T%C3%BCrkmenba%C5%9Fy_e%C3%BD%C3%BDamy&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Türkmenistanyň taryhynyň Beýik Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy eýýamy (sahypa ýok)">Turkmenbaşy</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.14 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Türkmen_elipbiýi - Total Errors: 4

Selector Context Message > > table.wikitable > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(1) > .new[title="Latyn\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Latyn&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Latyn (sahypa ýok)">latyn</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.23 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #27292d, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(4) > .new[title="Latyn\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Latyn&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Latyn (sahypa ýok)">latyn</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.23 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #27292d, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(5) > .new[title="Latyn\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Latyn&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Latyn (sahypa ýok)">latyn</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.23 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #27292d, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(6) > .new[title="Latyn\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Latyn&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Latyn (sahypa ýok)">latyn</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.23 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #27292d, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Biologiýa - Total Errors: 1

Selector Context Message > > table:nth-child(3)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td[align="center"]
<td align="center"><b><a href="/w/index.php?title=Wikipedi%C3%BDa:Administrators&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Wikipediýa:Administrators (sahypa ýok)">Administrators</a>:</b> <br>Use the button if the bot is not working properly.
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Türkmenistanyň_geografiýasy - Total Errors: 1

Selector Context Message > > center > table.toc.noprint > tbody > tr > th[bgcolor] > a > font
<font color="#009000">Türkmenistan</font>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.83 (foreground color: #009000, background color: #d0ffe7, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Gorkut_Ata - Total Errors: 5

Selector Context Message > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p > a[href$="Oguz_han"]
<a href="/wiki/Oguz_han" title="Oguz han">Oguz han </a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.92 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p >
<a class="mw-selflink selflink">Gorkut Ata</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.08 (foreground color: #eaecf0, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=T%C3%BCrkmenistan_G%C3%B6rogly_beg_t%C3%BCrkmenin_eyyamynda&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Türkmenistan Görogly beg türkmenin eyyamynda (sahypa ýok)">Görogly</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.14 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p > a[href$="Magtymguly"]
<a href="/wiki/Magtymguly" title="Magtymguly">Magtymguly</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.92 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.WSerieV[style] > tbody > tr > td > p >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=T%C3%BCrkmenistany%C5%88_taryhyny%C5%88_Be%C3%BDik_Saparmyrat_T%C3%BCrkmenba%C5%9Fy_e%C3%BD%C3%BDamy&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Türkmenistanyň taryhynyň Beýik Saparmyrat Türkmenbaşy eýýamy (sahypa ýok)">Turkmenbaşy</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.14 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #fbf5df, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Gurbanguly_Berdimuhamedow - Total Errors: 1

Selector Context Message
<a href="/wiki/T%C3%BCrkmenistan" title="Türkmenistan">Türkmenistanyň</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.05 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #00ee76, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Hytaý - Total Errors: 16

Selector Context Message
<a href="/wiki/Pa%C3%BDtagt" title="Paýtagt">Paýtagt</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a[href$="Pekin"][title="Pekin"
<a href="/wiki/Pekin" title="Pekin">Pekin</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[href$="Prezident"]
<a href="/wiki/Prezident" title="Prezident">Prezident</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[href$="Xi_Jinping"].mw-redirect
<a href="/wiki/Xi_Jinping" class="mw-redirect" title="Xi Jinping">Xi Jinping</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[href$="Dil"]
<a href="/wiki/Dil" title="Dil">Dil</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Hyta%C3%BD_dili" title="Hytaý dili">Hytaý dili</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[title="Senas\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Senas&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Senas (sahypa ýok)">Senasy</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[title="Hytaý\ senasy\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Hyta%C3%BD_senasy&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Hytaý senasy (sahypa ýok)">Hytaý senasy</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[title="Meýdany\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Me%C3%BDdany&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Meýdany (sahypa ýok)">Meýdany</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[href$="Ilat"]
<a href="/wiki/Ilat" title="Ilat">Ilaty</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[href$="Pul"]
<a href="/wiki/Pul" title="Pul">Puly</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[href$="Renminbi_Yuan"].mw-redirect
<a href="/wiki/Renminbi_Yuan" class="mw-redirect" title="Renminbi Yuan">Renminbi Yuan</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[href$="Wagt"]
<a href="/wiki/Wagt" title="Wagt">Wagt</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[title="UTC\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=UTC&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="UTC (sahypa ýok)">UTC</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[title="Telefon\ kod\ \(sahypa\ ýok\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Telefon_kod&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Telefon kod (sahypa ýok)">Telefon kody</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.43 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[href="\/wiki\/\.cn"]
<a href="/wiki/.cn" title=".cn">.cn</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1