Sat Sep 7 05:06:57 UTC 2024

Wikipedia Color Contrast Errors

Baseline: 748

Scanned 50 pages.

15 pages without color contrast violations.

35 pages with color contrast violations.

Sākumlapa - Total Errors: 82

Selector Context Message > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > i > a[href$="Special\:NewPages"]
<a href="/wiki/Special:NewPages" title="Special:NewPages">jaunākajiem rakstiem</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Edgars_Liepi%C5%86%C5%A1" title="Edgars Liepiņš">Edgara Liepiņa</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Velga_V%C4%ABlipa" title="Velga Vīlipa">Velgas Vīlipas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Alp%C4%ABnists" class="mw-redirect" title="Alpīnists">alpīnists</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > b > a[title="Kristaps\ Liepiņš"]
<a href="/wiki/Kristaps_Liepi%C5%86%C5%A1" title="Kristaps Liepiņš">Kristaps Liepiņš</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Tjan%C5%A1ans" title="Tjanšans">Tjanšanā</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Pamirs"]
<a href="/wiki/Pamirs" title="Pamirs">Pamirā</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Himalaji"]
<a href="/wiki/Himalaji" title="Himalaji">Himalajos</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Kordiljeri"]
<a href="/wiki/Kordiljeri" title="Kordiljeri">Baltajos Kordiljeros</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Andi"]
<a href="/wiki/Andi" title="Andi">Andos</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li:nth-child(2) > a[href$="Latvija"][title="Latvija"
<a href="/wiki/Latvija" title="Latvija">Latvijas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/M%C5%ABzikas_grupa" title="Mūzikas grupa">mūzikas grupas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > i > b > a[href$="Juuk"]
<a href="/wiki/Juuk" title="Juuk">Juuk</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Solisti"].mw-redirect
<a href="/wiki/Solisti" class="mw-redirect" title="Solisti">solisti</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Edgars_%C5%A0ubrovskis" title="Edgars Šubrovskis">Edgars Šubrovskis</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Oskars_Jansons"]
<a href="/wiki/Oskars_Jansons" title="Oskars Jansons">Oskars Jansons</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Sniedze_Prauli%C5%86a" title="Sniedze Prauliņa">Sniedze Prauliņa</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[title="Mikronēzija\ \(valsts\)"]
<a href="/wiki/Mikron%C4%93zija_(valsts)" title="Mikronēzija (valsts)">Mikronēzijas Federatīvo Valstu</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > b > a[href$="Ponpeja_\(pavalsts\)"]
<a href="/wiki/Ponpeja_(pavalsts)" title="Ponpeja (pavalsts)">Ponpejas Valsts</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Ponpeja"]
<a href="/wiki/Ponpeja" title="Ponpeja">Ponpejas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li:nth-child(1) > b >
<a href="/wiki/Ivana_Franko_%C4%BBvivas_Nacion%C4%81l%C4%81_universit%C4%81te" class="mw-redirect" title="Ivana Franko Ļvivas Nacionālā universitāte">Ivana Franko Ļvivas Nacionālā universitāte</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Austrumeiropa"]
<a href="/wiki/Austrumeiropa" title="Austrumeiropa">Austrumeiropā</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Ukraina"]
<a href="/wiki/Ukraina" title="Ukraina">Ukrainā</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > b > a[title="Čečenu\ un\ ingušu\ deportācija"]
<a href="/wiki/%C4%8Ce%C4%8Denu_un_ingu%C5%A1u_deport%C4%81cija" title="Čečenu un ingušu deportācija">čečenu un ingušu deportācijas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Kolaboracionisms"]
<a href="/wiki/Kolaboracionisms" title="Kolaboracionisms">sadarbība ar vācu okupantiem</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/V%C4%93rmahts" title="Vērmahts">Vērmahtam</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Ingu%C5%A1ija" title="Ingušija">Ingušijas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(3) > b > a
<a href="/wiki/Taurijas_Nacion%C4%81l%C4%81_universit%C4%81te" title="Taurijas Nacionālā universitāte">Taurijas Nacionālā universitāte</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Krimas_okup%C4%81cija" title="Krimas okupācija">Krimas okupācijas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li:nth-child(3) > a[href$="Kijiva"][title="Kijiva"
<a href="/wiki/Kijiva" title="Kijiva">Kijivu</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p:nth-child(2) > b >
<a href="/wiki/Krievijas_2022._gada_iebrukums_Ukrain%C4%81" class="mw-redirect" title="Krievijas 2022. gada iebrukums Ukrainā">Krievijas 2022. gada iebrukums Ukrainā</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p > a[href$="Krievijas_prezidents"].mw-redirect
<a href="/wiki/Krievijas_prezidents" class="mw-redirect" title="Krievijas prezidents">Krievijas prezidenta</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p > a[href$="Vladimirs_Putins"]
<a href="/wiki/Vladimirs_Putins" title="Vladimirs Putins">Vladimira Putina</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(4)
<a href="/wiki/Krievijas_Feder%C4%81cijas_Bru%C5%86otie_sp%C4%93ki" title="Krievijas Federācijas Bruņotie spēki">Krievijas Bruņotie spēki</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p:nth-child(2) >
<a href="/wiki/Krievijas%E2%80%94Ukrainas%E2%80%94NATO_kr%C4%ABze_(2021%E2%80%942022)" class="mw-redirect" title="Krievijas—Ukrainas—NATO krīze (2021—2022)">lielā skaitā bija izvietoti</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Krimas_okup%C4%81cija" title="Krimas okupācija">Krievijas 2014. gadā okupēto</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p > a[href$="Krima"]
<a href="/wiki/Krima" title="Krima">Krimu</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p:nth-child(2) > .mw-redirect[title="Doņeckas\ Tautas\ Republika"].mw-redirect
<a href="/wiki/Do%C5%86eckas_Tautas_Republika" class="mw-redirect" title="Doņeckas Tautas Republika">Doneckas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p:nth-child(2) > .mw-redirect[title="Luhanskas\ Tautas\ Republika"].mw-redirect
<a href="/wiki/Luhanskas_Tautas_Republika" class="mw-redirect" title="Luhanskas Tautas Republika">Luhanskas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p > a[href$="Doneckas_apgabals"]
<a href="/wiki/Doneckas_apgabals" title="Doneckas apgabals">Doneckas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p > a[href$="Luhanskas_apgabals"]
<a href="/wiki/Luhanskas_apgabals" title="Luhanskas apgabals">Luhanskas apgabala</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p > a[href$="Maskava"]
<a href="/wiki/Maskava" title="Maskava">Maskavas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/UTC%2B3" title="UTC+3">UTC+3</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p > a[href$="Iebrukums"]
<a href="/wiki/Iebrukums" title="Iebrukums">iebrukumu</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p:nth-child(3) > a[href$="Kijiva"][title="Kijiva"
<a href="/wiki/Kijiva" title="Kijiva">Kijivā</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p > a[href$="Harkova"].mw-redirect
<a href="/wiki/Harkova" class="mw-redirect" title="Harkova">Harkivā</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/D%C5%86ipro" title="Dņipro">Dņipro</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p:nth-child(3) > .mw-redirect[title="Doņeckas\ Tautas\ Republika"].mw-redirect
<a href="/wiki/Do%C5%86eckas_Tautas_Republika" class="mw-redirect" title="Doņeckas Tautas Republika">Doneckas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p:nth-child(3) > .mw-redirect[title="Luhanskas\ Tautas\ Republika"].mw-redirect
<a href="/wiki/Luhanskas_Tautas_Republika" class="mw-redirect" title="Luhanskas Tautas Republika">Luhanskas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > div > > b
<b>Lasīt vairāk...</b>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="\31 822\._gads"]
<a href="/wiki/1822._gads" title="1822. gads">1822</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Braz%C4%ABlija" title="Brazīlija">Brazīlija</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Portug%C4%81le" title="Portugāle">Portugāles</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="\31 936\._gads"]
<a href="/wiki/1936._gads" title="1936. gads">1936</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Hob%C4%81rta" title="Hobārta">Hobārtas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Tasmanijas_vilks"]
<a href="/wiki/Tasmanijas_vilks" title="Tasmanijas vilks">Tasmanijas vilks</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="\31 940\._gads"]
<a href="/wiki/1940._gads" title="1940. gads">1940</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[title="Otrais\ pasaules\ karš"]
<a href="/wiki/Otrais_pasaules_kar%C5%A1" title="Otrais pasaules karš">Otrais pasaules karš</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/V%C4%81cija" title="Vācija">Vācija</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="Londona"]
<a href="/wiki/Londona" title="Londona">Londonas</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="\31 953\._gads"]
<a href="/wiki/1953._gads" title="1953. gads">1953</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li:nth-child(4) >
<a href="/wiki/Padomju_Savien%C4%ABbas_komunistisk%C4%81_partija" class="mw-redirect" title="Padomju Savienības komunistiskā partija">PSKP</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[title="Ņikita\ Hruščovs"]
<a href="/wiki/%C5%85ikita_Hru%C5%A1%C4%8Dovs" title="Ņikita Hruščovs">Ņikita Hruščovs</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[href$="\32 011\._gads"]
<a href="/wiki/2011._gads" title="2011. gads">2011</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[title="Jaroslavļas\ aviokatastrofa"]
<a href="/wiki/Jaroslav%C4%BCas_aviokatastrofa" title="Jaroslavļas aviokatastrofa">lidmašīnas avārijā</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[title="Jaroslavļas\ \"Lokomotiv\""]
<a href="/wiki/Jaroslav%C4%BCas_%22Lokomotiv%22" title="Jaroslavļas "Lokomotiv"">Jaroslavļas "Lokomotiv"</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > ul > li > a[title="Kārlis\ Skrastiņš"]
<a href="/wiki/K%C4%81rlis_Skrasti%C5%86%C5%A1" title="Kārlis Skrastiņš">Kārlis Skrastiņš</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p > a[href="\/wiki\/6\._septembris"]
<a href="/wiki/6._septembris" title="6. septembris">6. septembrī</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p > b > a[href="\/wiki\/7\._septembris"][title="\37 \.\ septembris"
<a href="/wiki/7._septembris" title="7. septembris">7. septembrī</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > p > a[href="\/wiki\/8\._septembris"]
<a href="/wiki/8._septembris" title="8. septembris">8. septembrī</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > .noprint.noprint > b > a
<a href="/wiki/Vikip%C4%93dija:Izmekl%C4%93ti_notikumi/Septembris" title="Vikipēdija:Izmeklēti notikumi/Septembris">Arhīvs</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > div > small > a[href$="\32 024\._gads"]
<a href="/wiki/2024._gads" title="2024. gads">2024</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > div > small > a[href="\/wiki\/7\._septembris"][title="\37 \.\ septembris"
<a href="/wiki/7._septembris" title="7. septembris">7. septembris</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > div > small > a:nth-child(3)
<a href="/wiki/Univers%C4%81lais_koordin%C4%93tais_laiks" title="Universālais koordinētais laiks">UTC</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > div > div > small > [id='purgelink'].plainlinks > .text.external.external.text
<a class="external text" href="">Atjaunināt lapu</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.0pt (13.3333px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] >[style] > ul > li > a[title="Vikipēdija\:Raksta\ izveidošana"]
<a href="/wiki/Vikip%C4%93dija:Raksta_izveido%C5%A1ana" title="Vikipēdija:Raksta izveidošana">Raksta izveidošana</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] >[style] > ul > li > a[title="Vikipēdija\:Rakstu\ vednis"]
<a href="/wiki/Vikip%C4%93dija:Rakstu_vednis" title="Vikipēdija:Rakstu vednis">Rakstu vednis</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] >[style] > ul > li:nth-child(3) >
<a href="/wiki/Vikip%C4%93dija:Vajadz%C4%ABgo_rakstu_lapu_uzskait%C4%ABjums" class="mw-redirect" title="Vikipēdija:Vajadzīgo rakstu lapu uzskaitījums">Iedvesmai</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] >[style] > ul > li > a[title="Vikipēdija\:Smilšu\ kaste"]
<a href="/wiki/Vikip%C4%93dija:Smil%C5%A1u_kaste" title="Vikipēdija:Smilšu kaste">Smilšu kaste eksperimentiem</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] >[style] > ul > li:nth-child(5) > a
<a href="/wiki/Vikip%C4%93dija:Dal%C4%ABbnieku_uzved%C4%ABbas_noteikumi" title="Vikipēdija:Dalībnieku uzvedības noteikumi">Dalībnieku uzvedības noteikumi</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] >[style] > ul > li > a[title="Vikipēdija\:Administrācija"].mw-redirect
<a href="/wiki/Vikip%C4%93dija:Administr%C4%81cija" class="mw-redirect" title="Vikipēdija:Administrācija">Administrācija</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > th > [id='Vikikrātuves_dienas_attēls'][style] > .extiw.extiw
<a href="" class="extiw" title="commons:Commons:Picture of the day">Vikikrātuves dienas attēls</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 14.4pt (19.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 3:1

Datortīkls - Total Errors: 4

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(vāciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Kārlis_Maria_fon_Vēbers - Total Errors: 7

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(lietuviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(vāciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(6) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(7) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Latvija - Total Errors: 41

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox.geography.vcard > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(3)[style]
<span style="color:#090;">ļoti augsts</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.26 (foreground color: #009900, background color: #202122, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable > tbody > tr[bgcolor] > th > sup.reference > a[href$="\#cite_note-22"]
<a href="#cite_note-22"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>21<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.1 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #27292d, font size: 8.6pt (11.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable > tbody > tr[bgcolor] > th > sup.reference > a[href$="\#cite_note-23"]
<a href="#cite_note-23"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>22<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.1 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #27292d, font size: 8.6pt (11.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox > tbody > tr > th > div.plainlinks.hlist.navbar > ul > li.nv-diskusija > a > span[title="Diskusija\ par\ šo\ veidni"][style]
<span title="Diskusija par šo veidni" style="color:#002bb8;;">diskusija</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.79 (foreground color: #002bb8, background color: #101418, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > dl:nth-child(1) > dt
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1)
<li><a href="/wiki/1._janv%C4%81ris" title="1. janvāris">1. janvāris</a> — <a href="/wiki/Jaunais_gads" title="Jaunais gads">Jaungada</a> diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2)
<li><a href="/wiki/20._janv%C4%81ris" title="20. janvāris">20. janvāris</a> — <a href="/wiki/Barik%C4%81%C5%BEu_laiks" title="Barikāžu laiks">1991. gada barikāžu aizstāvju</a> atceres diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3)
<li><a href="/wiki/26._janv%C4%81ris" title="26. janvāris">26. janvāris</a> — <a href="/wiki/Latvijas_valsts_atz%C4%AB%C5%A1ana_de_iure" title="Latvijas valsts atzīšana de iure">Latvijas Republikas starptautiskās (<i>de jure</i>) atzīšanas</a> diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > dl:nth-child(3) > dt
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(1)
<li><a href="/wiki/2._marts" title="2. marts">2. marts</a> — Nacionālo partizānu bruņotās pretošanās atceres diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(2)
<li><a href="/wiki/8._marts" title="8. marts">8. marts</a> — Starptautiskā sieviešu diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(3)
<li><a href="/wiki/17._marts" title="17. marts">17. marts</a> — Nacionālās pretošanās kustības piemiņas diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(4)
<li><a href="/wiki/25._marts" title="25. marts">25. marts</a> — <a href="/wiki/Genoc%C4%ABds" title="Genocīds">Komunistiskā genocīda upuru</a> piemiņas diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > dl:nth-child(5) > dt
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(6) > li:nth-child(2)
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(6) > li:nth-child(3)
<li><a href="/wiki/17._apr%C4%ABlis" title="17. aprīlis">17. aprīlis</a><sup id="cite_ref-gads_32-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-gads-32"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>a<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup> — Otrās Lieldienas</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(6) > li:nth-child(4)
<li><a href="/wiki/27._apr%C4%ABlis" title="27. aprīlis">27. aprīlis</a> — Latgales kongresa diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > dl:nth-child(7) > dt
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(8) > li:nth-child(1)
<li><a href="/wiki/1._maijs" title="1. maijs">1. maijs</a> — Darba svētki. Latvijas Republikas <a href="/wiki/Latvijas_Satversmes_sapulce" title="Latvijas Satversmes sapulce">Satversmes sapulces</a> sasaukšanas diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(8) > li:nth-child(2)
<li><a href="/wiki/4._maijs" title="4. maijs">4. maijs</a> — <a href="/wiki/Par_Latvijas_Republikas_neatkar%C4%ABbas_atjauno%C5%A1anu" title="Par Latvijas Republikas neatkarības atjaunošanu">Latvijas Republikas Neatkarības atjaunošanas</a> diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(8) > li:nth-child(3)
<li><a href="/wiki/8._maijs" title="8. maijs">8. maijs</a> — Nacisma sagrāves diena. <a href="/wiki/Otrais_pasaules_kar%C5%A1" title="Otrais pasaules karš">Otrā pasaules kara upuru</a> piemiņas diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > dl:nth-child(9) > dt
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(10) > li:nth-child(2)
<li><a href="/wiki/14._j%C5%ABnijs" title="14. jūnijs">14. jūnijs</a> — <a href="/wiki/Genoc%C4%ABds" title="Genocīds">Komunistiskā genocīda upuru</a> piemiņas diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(10) > li:nth-child(3)
<li><a href="/wiki/22._j%C5%ABnijs" title="22. jūnijs">22. jūnijs</a> — Varoņu piemiņas diena (<a href="/wiki/C%C4%93su_kaujas" title="Cēsu kaujas">Cēsu kaujas</a> atceres diena)</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(10) > li:nth-child(4)
<li><a href="/wiki/23._j%C5%ABnijs" title="23. jūnijs">23. jūnijs</a> — <a href="/wiki/J%C4%81%C5%86i" title="Jāņi">Līgo</a> diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(10) > li:nth-child(5)
<li><a href="/wiki/24._j%C5%ABnijs" title="24. jūnijs">24. jūnijs</a> — <a href="/wiki/J%C4%81%C5%86i" title="Jāņi">Jāņu</a> diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > dl:nth-child(1) > dt
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(2) > li
<li><a href="/wiki/4._j%C5%ABlijs" title="4. jūlijs">4. jūlijs</a> — <a href="/wiki/Holokausts" title="Holokausts">Ebreju tautas genocīda upuru</a> piemiņas diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > dl:nth-child(3) > dt
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(4) > li
<li><a href="/wiki/11._augusts" title="11. augusts">11. augusts</a> — <a href="/wiki/Latvijas%E2%80%94Krievijas_miera_l%C4%ABgums" title="Latvijas—Krievijas miera līgums">Latvijas brīvības cīnītāju</a> piemiņas diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > dl:nth-child(5) > dt
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > dl:nth-child(7) > dt
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(8) > li:nth-child(3)
<li><a href="/wiki/21._novembris" title="21. novembris">21. novembris</a> — <a href="/wiki/Lielveikala_%22Maxima%22_sagr%C5%AB%C5%A1ana_R%C4%ABg%C4%81" title="Lielveikala "Maxima" sagrūšana Rīgā">2013. gada 21. novembra</a> traģēdijas atceres diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > dl:nth-child(9) > dt
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(10) > li:nth-child(1)
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(10) > li:nth-child(3)
<li><a href="/wiki/25._decembris" title="25. decembris">25. decembris</a> — Pirmie <a href="/wiki/Ziemassv%C4%93tki" title="Ziemassvētki">Ziemassvētki</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(10) > li:nth-child(4)
<li><a href="/wiki/26._decembris" title="26. decembris">26. decembris</a> — Otrie Ziemassvētki</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(10) > li:nth-child(5)
<li><a href="/wiki/31._decembris" title="31. decembris">31. decembris</a> — Vecgada diena</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-1'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(2)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-CIA-2'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(2)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-latvia-4'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(2)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Rihards_Snikus - Total Errors: 2

Selector Context Message
<a href="/wiki/J%C4%81%C5%A1ana" title="Jāšana">Jāšana</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.75 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #eeeeee, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Rīga - Total Errors: 97

Selector Context Message > > div.quotebox.pullquote.floatleft > .quotebox-title.quotebox-title
<div class="quotebox-title" style="">Rīga ir bijusi galvaspilsēta šādām valstīm un autonomajām teritorijām:</div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.12 (foreground color: #eaecf0, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 11.5pt (15.36px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(7)[style]
<td style="background-color:#E83709; text-align:center;">+34,0<br><small><span title="1988. gada 7. jūnijs" style="cursor: help; white-space: nowrap">1988</span></small>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.82 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #e83709, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > small > span[title="\31 988\.\ gada\ 7\.\ jūnijs"]
<span title="1988. gada 7. jūnijs" style="cursor: help; white-space: nowrap">1988</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.82 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #e83709, font size: 9.5pt (12.6667px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(8)[style]
<td style="background-color:#E83709; text-align:center;">+34,5<br><small><span title="1885. un 1914. gada 15. jūlijs" style="cursor: help; white-space: nowrap">1885</span></small>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.82 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #e83709, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(8)[style] > small > span[title="\31 885\.\ un\ 1914\.\ gada\ 15\.\ jūlijs"]
<span title="1885. un 1914. gada 15. jūlijs" style="cursor: help; white-space: nowrap">1885</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.82 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #e83709, font size: 9.5pt (12.6667px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(15)[style]
<td style="background-color:#E83709; text-align:center;">+34,5<br><small><span title="1885. un 1914. gada 15. jūlijs" style="cursor: help; white-space: nowrap">1885</span></small>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.82 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #e83709, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(15)[style] > small > span[title="\31 885\.\ un\ 1914\.\ gada\ 15\.\ jūlijs"]
<span title="1885. un 1914. gada 15. jūlijs" style="cursor: help; white-space: nowrap">1885</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.82 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #e83709, font size: 9.5pt (12.6667px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(8) > td:nth-child(12)[style]
<td style="background-color:#259AFF; color:white; text-align:center;">−20,5<br><small><span title="1890. gada 26. novembris" style="cursor: help; white-space: nowrap">1890</span></small>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.93 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #259aff, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] > small > span[title="\31 890\.\ gada\ 26\.\ novembris"]
<span title="1890. gada 26. novembris" style="cursor: help; white-space: nowrap">1890</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.93 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #259aff, font size: 9.5pt (12.6667px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > .collapsible.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(12) > td:nth-child(3)[style]
<td style="background: #3263fe; color: black;">79<br><small>1900</small>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.35 (foreground color: #000000, background color: #3263fe, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(12) > td:nth-child(3)[style] > small
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.35 (foreground color: #000000, background color: #3263fe, font size: 9.5pt (12.6667px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > .collapsible.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(12) > td:nth-child(4)[style]
<td style="background: #3263fe; color: black;">76<br><small>1900</small>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.35 (foreground color: #000000, background color: #3263fe, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(12) > td:nth-child(4)[style] > small
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.35 (foreground color: #000000, background color: #3263fe, font size: 9.5pt (12.6667px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(12) > td:nth-child(15)[style]
<td style="background: #3263fe; color: black;">79<br><small>1900</small>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.35 (foreground color: #000000, background color: #3263fe, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(12) > td:nth-child(15)[style] > small
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.35 (foreground color: #000000, background color: #3263fe, font size: 9.5pt (12.6667px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > .collapsible.wikitable.collapsible[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(15) > td:nth-child(3)[style]
<td style="background: #8F8F8F; color: white;">65
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.23 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #8f8f8f, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(1)
<li>1. <a href="/wiki/Bolder%C4%81ja" title="Bolderāja">Bolderāja</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(2)
<li>2. <a href="/wiki/Daugavgr%C4%ABva" title="Daugavgrīva">Daugavgrīva</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(3)
<li>3. <a href="/wiki/Dzirciems_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Dzirciems (Rīga)">Dzirciems</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(4)
<li>4. <a href="/wiki/I%C4%BC%C4%A3uciems" title="Iļģuciems">Iļģuciems</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(5)
<li>5. <a href="/wiki/Imanta_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Imanta (Rīga)">Imanta</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(6)
<li>6. <a href="/wiki/Kleisti_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Kleisti (Rīga)">Kleisti</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(7)
<li>7. <a href="/wiki/%C4%B6%C4%ABpsala" title="Ķīpsala">Ķīpsala</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(8)
<li>8. <a href="/wiki/R%C4%ABtabu%C4%BC%C4%BCi" class="mw-redirect" title="Rītabuļļi">Rītabuļļi</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(9)
<li>9. <a href="/wiki/Spilve_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Spilve (Rīga)">Spilve</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(10)
<li>10. <a href="/wiki/Voleri" title="Voleri">Voleri</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(11)
<li>11. <a href="/wiki/Zasulauks" title="Zasulauks">Zasulauks</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(12)
<li>12. <a href="/wiki/%C4%80genskalns" title="Āgenskalns">Āgenskalns</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(13)
<li>13. <a href="/wiki/Atg%C4%81zene" title="Atgāzene">Atgāzene</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(14)
<li>14. <a href="/wiki/Beberbe%C4%B7i" title="Beberbeķi">Beberbeķi</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(15)
<li>15. <a href="/wiki/Bieri%C5%86i" title="Bieriņi">Bieriņi</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(1)
<li>16. <a href="/wiki/Bi%C5%A1umui%C5%BEa" title="Bišumuiža">Bišumuiža</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(2)
<li>17. <a href="/wiki/Katlakalns_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Katlakalns (Rīga)">Katlakalns</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(3)
<li>18. <a href="/wiki/M%C5%ABkupurvs" title="Mūkupurvs">Mūkupurvs</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(4)
<li>19. <a href="/wiki/Pleskod%C4%81le" title="Pleskodāle">Pleskodāle</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(5)
<li>20. <a href="/wiki/Salas_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Salas (Rīga)">Salas</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(6)
<li>21. <a href="/wiki/%C5%A0amp%C4%93teris" title="Šampēteris">Šampēteris</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(7)
<li>22. <a href="/wiki/Tor%C5%86akalns" title="Torņakalns">Torņakalns</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(8)
<li>23. <a href="/wiki/Ziepniekkalns" title="Ziepniekkalns">Ziepniekkalns</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(9)
<li>24. <a href="/wiki/Zolit%C5%ABde" title="Zolitūde">Zolitūde</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(10)
<li>25. <a href="/wiki/%C4%8Ciekurkalns" title="Čiekurkalns">Čiekurkalns</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(11)
<li>26. <a href="/wiki/Jaunciems_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Jaunciems (Rīga)">Jaunciems</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(12)
<li>27. <a href="/wiki/Kundzi%C5%86sala" title="Kundziņsala">Kundziņsala</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(13)
<li>28. <a href="/wiki/Manga%C4%BCsala" title="Mangaļsala">Mangaļsala</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(14)
<li>29. <a href="/wiki/Me%C5%BEaparks_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Mežaparks (Rīga)">Mežaparks</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(15)
<li>30. <a href="/wiki/M%C4%ABlgr%C4%81vis" title="Mīlgrāvis">Mīlgrāvis</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(1)
<li>31. <a href="/wiki/P%C4%93tersala-Andrejsala" title="Pētersala-Andrejsala">Pētersala-Andrejsala</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(2)
<li>32. <a href="/wiki/Sarkandaugava" title="Sarkandaugava">Sarkandaugava</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(3)
<li>33. <a href="/wiki/Tr%C4%ABsciems" title="Trīsciems">Trīsciems</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(4)
<li>34. <a href="/wiki/Vec%C4%81%C4%B7i" title="Vecāķi">Vecāķi</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(5)
<li>35. <a href="/wiki/Vecdaugava_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Vecdaugava (Rīga)">Vecdaugava</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(6)
<li>36. <a href="/wiki/Vecm%C4%ABlgr%C4%81vis" title="Vecmīlgrāvis">Vecmīlgrāvis</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(7)
<li>37. <a href="/wiki/Vecr%C4%ABga" title="Vecrīga">Vecpilsēta</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(8)
<li>38. <a href="/wiki/Centrs_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Centrs (Rīga)">Centrs</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(9)
<li>39. <a href="/wiki/Ber%C4%A3i_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Berģi (Rīga)">Berģi</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(10)
<li>40. <a href="/wiki/Brasa" title="Brasa">Brasa</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(11)
<li>41. <a href="/wiki/Brek%C5%A1i" class="mw-redirect" title="Brekši">Brekši</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(12)
<li>42. <a href="/wiki/Bukulti_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Bukulti (Rīga)">Bukulti</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(13)
<li>43. <a href="/wiki/Dreili%C5%86i_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Dreiliņi (Rīga)">Dreiliņi</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(14)
<li>44. <a href="/wiki/Jugla_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Jugla (Rīga)">Jugla</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5) > ul > li:nth-child(15)
<li>45. <a href="/wiki/Me%C5%BEciems_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Mežciems (Rīga)">Mežciems</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(1)
<li>46. <a href="/wiki/Purvciems_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Purvciems (Rīga)">Purvciems</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(2)
<li>47. <a href="/wiki/Skanste_(R%C4%ABgas_apkaime)" title="Skanste (Rīgas apkaime)">Skanste</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(3)
<li>48. <a href="/wiki/Su%C5%BEi_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Suži (Rīga)">Suži</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(4)
<li>49. <a href="/wiki/Teika_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Teika (Rīga)">Teika</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(5)
<li>50. <a href="/wiki/Avotu_iela_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Avotu iela (Rīga)">Avotu iela</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(6)
<li>51. <a href="/wiki/D%C4%81rzciems_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Dārzciems (Rīga)">Dārzciems</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(7)
<li>52. <a href="/wiki/D%C4%81rzi%C5%86i" title="Dārziņi">Dārziņi</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(8)
<li>53. <a href="/wiki/Gr%C4%ABzi%C5%86kalns" title="Grīziņkalns">Grīziņkalns</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(9)
<li>54. <a href="/wiki/%C4%B6engarags" title="Ķengarags">Ķengarags</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(10)
<li>55. <a href="/wiki/Latgales_apkaime" title="Latgales apkaime">Latgales apkaime</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(11)
<li>56. <a href="/wiki/P%C4%BCavnieki" title="Pļavnieki">Pļavnieki</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(12)
<li>57. <a href="/wiki/Rumbula" title="Rumbula">Rumbula</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7) > ul > li:nth-child(13)
<li>58. <a href="/wiki/%C5%A0%C4%B7irotava_(R%C4%ABga)" title="Šķirotava (Rīga)">Šķirotava</a></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.barbox.tleft > div[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr[style] > th > sup.reference > a[href$="\#cite_note-27"]
<a href="#cite_note-27"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>27<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.35 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #dddddd, font size: 7.9pt (10.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Latvie%C5%A1i" title="Latvieši">Latvieši</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.barbox.tleft > div[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[href$="Latvijas_krievi"]
<a href="/wiki/Latvijas_krievi" title="Latvijas krievi">Krievi</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Latvijas_ukrai%C5%86i" title="Latvijas ukraiņi">Ukraiņi</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.barbox.tleft > div[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[href$="Latvijas_baltkrievi"]
<a href="/wiki/Latvijas_baltkrievi" title="Latvijas baltkrievi">Baltkrievi</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Latvijas_po%C4%BCi" title="Latvijas poļi">Poļi</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Latvijas_lietuvie%C5%A1i" title="Latvijas lietuvieši">Lietuvieši</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(1)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:157px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;font-size:small; text-align:center;;">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(2)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:157px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;font-size:small; text-align:center;;">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(3)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:157px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;font-size:small; text-align:center;;">Rīgas pils, raugoties no <a href="/wiki/Daugava" title="Daugava">Daugavas</a> </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(4)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:157px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;font-size:small; text-align:center;;">Uzraksts "Rīga" pie pilsētas robežas uz Jūrmalas šosejas </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(5)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:157px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;font-size:small; text-align:center;;">Uzraksts "Rīga" pie pilsētas robežas uz Jūrmalas gatves </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(6)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:157px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;font-size:small; text-align:center;;">Rīgas centrs. Skats no Pēterbaznīcas skatu laukuma </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(7)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:157px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;font-size:small; text-align:center;;">Vecrīga, raugoties no Daugavas </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(8)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:157px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;font-size:small; text-align:center;;">Rīgas centrālā daļa </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(9)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:157px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;font-size:small; text-align:center;;">Rīgas ostas iekraušanas celtņi </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(10)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:157px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;font-size:small; text-align:center;;">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(11)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:157px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;font-size:small; text-align:center;;">Vanšu tilts no Eksporta ielas </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(vāciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Straume_(filma) - Total Errors: 2

Selector Context Message
/* failed to decorate */ #content-collapsible-block-5 > ul > li:nth-child(1) > span
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
/* failed to decorate */ #content-collapsible-block-5 > ul > li:nth-child(2) > span
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Senā_Grieķija - Total Errors: 5

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Senā_Ēģipte - Total Errors: 5

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Aspazija - Total Errors: 2

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(lietuviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(vāciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Zodiaks - Total Errors: 4

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(lietuviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Aizvēsture - Total Errors: 2

Selector Context Message > > div.noprint.tright.portāls2[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[title="Portāls\:Vēsture"]
<a href="/wiki/Port%C4%81ls:V%C4%93sture" title="Portāls:Vēsture">Vēstures portāls</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Imants_Ziedonis - Total Errors: 2

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(lietuviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(vāciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Eduards_Veidenbaums - Total Errors: 1

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(lietuviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Itālijas_pilsētu_uzskaitījums - Total Errors: 15

Selector Context Message > > > div.noviewer.thumb.tnone > div.thumbinner > div[style] > div > div > span > a[title="Prata\ \(vēl\ nav\ uzrakstīts\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Prata&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Prata (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Prata</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.23 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #27292d, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > > div.noviewer.thumb.tnone > div.thumbinner > div[style] > div > div > span > .new[title="Mestre\ \(vēl\ nav\ uzrakstīts\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Mestre&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Mestre (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Mestre</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.23 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #27292d, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > > div.noviewer.thumb.tnone > div.thumbinner > div[style] > div:nth-child(62) > div:nth-child(2) > span >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Torre_del_Greko&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Torre del Greko (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Torre<br>del<br>Greko</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.23 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #27292d, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > > div.noviewer.thumb.tnone > div.thumbinner > div[style] > div:nth-child(64) > div:nth-child(2) > span >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Guidonija_Monte%C4%8Delo&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Guidonija Montečelo (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Guidonija Montečelo</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.23 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #27292d, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > > div.noviewer.thumb.tnone > div.thumbinner > div[style] > div > div > span > .new[title="Kazorija\ \(vēl\ nav\ uzrakstīts\)"].new
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Kazorija&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Kazorija (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Kazorija</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.23 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #27292d, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(1)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:167px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;text-align:center;;">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(2)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:167px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;text-align:center;;">2. - <a href="/wiki/Mil%C4%81na" title="Milāna">Milāna</a> </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(3)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:167px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;text-align:center;;">3. - <a href="/wiki/Neapole" title="Neapole">Neapole</a> </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(4)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:167px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;text-align:center;;">4. - <a href="/wiki/Tur%C4%ABna" title="Turīna">Turīna</a> </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(5)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:167px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;text-align:center;;">5. - <a href="/wiki/Palermo" title="Palermo">Palermo</a> </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(6)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:167px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;text-align:center;;">6. - <a href="/wiki/D%C5%BEenova" title="Dženova">Dženova</a> </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(7)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:167px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;text-align:center;;">7. - <a href="/wiki/Bolo%C5%86a" title="Boloņa">Boloņa</a> </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(8)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:167px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;text-align:center;;">8. - <a href="/wiki/Florence" title="Florence">Florence</a> </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(9)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:167px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;text-align:center;;">9. - <a href="/wiki/Bari" title="Bari">Bari</a> </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > table:nth-child(10)[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > .gallerytext.gallerytext[style]
<div class="gallerytext" style="height:4.6em;width:167px;line-height:1.3em;padding:2px 6px 1px 6px;overflow-y:auto;margin:0px;border:none;border-width:0px;text-align:center;;">10. - <a href="/wiki/Kat%C4%81nija" title="Katānija">Katānija</a> </div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Rainis - Total Errors: 5

Selector Context Message > > div.references-small > ol.references > [id='cite_note-3'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(lietuviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(vāciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Jaunie_laiki - Total Errors: 6

Selector Context Message > > div.references-small > ol.references > [id='cite_note-1'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small > ol.references > [id='cite_note-Dolan-2'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(2)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small > ol.references > [id='cite_note-3'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small > ol.references > [id='cite_note-4'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Autoceļš_A6_(Latvija) - Total Errors: 48

Selector Context Message > > p > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E22"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E22</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > p > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E67"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E67</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > p > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E77"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E77</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > p > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E262"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E262</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr:nth-child(11) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E22"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E22</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr:nth-child(11) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E67"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E67</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr:nth-child(11) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E77"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E77</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr:nth-child(11) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E262"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E262</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E22"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E22</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
/* failed to decorate */ :root > span > span
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V1</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(7) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E67"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E67</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(7) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E77"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E77</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(9) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E67"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E67</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(9) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E77"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E77</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(9) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E22"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E22</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(14) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V967</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(16) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V982</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(22) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V969</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
/* failed to decorate */ :root > span > span
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V971</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(26) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V986</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(28) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V985</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(30) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V974</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(33) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V918</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(35) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V958</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
/* failed to decorate */ :root > span > span
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V996</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(40) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V915</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(41) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E22"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E22</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(44) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V945</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(45) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V924</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(49) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V782</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(50) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V841</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(51) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E22"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E22</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(54) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V795</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(55) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V754</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(57) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V753</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(61) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V757</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(63) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V678</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(65) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E262"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E262</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(67) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V680</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(68) > td:nth-child(2) > a[title="Eiropas\ autoceļš\ E262"] > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#008754; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">E262</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #008754, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(70) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V686</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(71) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V687</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(72) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V660</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(73) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V635</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(79) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V643</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(80) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V627</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(83) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V628</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours.infobox > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(84) > td:nth-child(2) > > span[style] > span[style]
<span style="white-space:nowrap; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; color:#f7fbf5; background:#6E7F80; padding:0 2px 0 4px; border:#f7fbf5 solid 1px;">V630</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4 (foreground color: #f7fbf5, background color: #6e7f80, font size: 8.7pt (11.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

AirBaltic - Total Errors: 1

Selector Context Message > > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\33 3\.33\%"] > ul > li:nth-child(16)
<li><a href="/wiki/Scandinavian_Airlines" title="Scandinavian Airlines">Scandinavian Airlines</a> (SAS) <small>(<a href="/w/index.php?title=Star_Alliance&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Star Alliance (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Star Alliance</a>)</small></li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Otrais_pasaules_karš - Total Errors: 13

Selector Context Message > > div.noprint.tright.portāls2[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[title="Portāls\:Otrais\ pasaules\ karš"]
<a href="/wiki/Port%C4%81ls:Otrais_pasaules_kar%C5%A1" title="Portāls:Otrais pasaules karš">Otrā pasaules kara portāls</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small > ol.references > li > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(ukrainiski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(ukrainiski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(6) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(7) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(8) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(9) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(10) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(11) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Jelgava - Total Errors: 12

Selector Context Message > > div.barbox.tleft > div[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr[style] > th > sup.reference > a[href$="\#cite_note-19"]
<a href="#cite_note-19"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>19<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.35 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #dddddd, font size: 7.9pt (10.56px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Latvie%C5%A1i" title="Latvieši">Latvieši</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.barbox.tleft > div[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[href$="Krievi"]
<a href="/wiki/Krievi" title="Krievi">Krievi</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.barbox.tleft > div[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[href$="Baltkrievi"]
<a href="/wiki/Baltkrievi" title="Baltkrievi">Baltkrievi</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Ukrai%C5%86i" title="Ukraiņi">Ukraiņi</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Po%C4%BCi" title="Poļi">Poļi</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Lietuvie%C5%A1i" title="Lietuvieši">Lietuvieši</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.barbox.tleft > div[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[href$="Romi"].mw-redirect
<a href="/wiki/Romi" class="mw-redirect" title="Romi">Romi</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.19 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #ffffff, font size: 10.6pt (14.08px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(vāciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Dzeja - Total Errors: 5

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Latviešu_valoda - Total Errors: 58

Selector Context Message > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > b
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > .legend.legend:nth-child(2)
<div class="legend"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; margin:1px 0; border:1px solid black; background-color: #008000; color:black; font-size:100%; text-align:center;"> </span> 100,0%—90,0%</div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > .legend.legend:nth-child(3)
<div class="legend"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; margin:1px 0; border:1px solid black; background-color: #148E14; color:black; font-size:100%; text-align:center;"> </span> 89,9%—80,0%</div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > .legend.legend:nth-child(4)
<div class="legend"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; margin:1px 0; border:1px solid black; background-color: #2B992B; color:black; font-size:100%; text-align:center;"> </span> 79,9%—70,0%</div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > .legend.legend:nth-child(5)
<div class="legend"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; margin:1px 0; border:1px solid black; background-color: #43A343; color:black; font-size:100%; text-align:center;"> </span> 69,9%—60,0%</div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > .legend.legend:nth-child(6)
<div class="legend"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; margin:1px 0; border:1px solid black; background-color: #5EAD5E; color:black; font-size:100%; text-align:center;"> </span> 59,9%—50,0%</div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > b
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > .legend.legend:nth-child(2)
<div class="legend"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; margin:1px 0; border:1px solid black; background-color: #FF6666; color:black; font-size:100%; text-align:center;"> </span> 50,0%—59,9%</div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > .legend.legend:nth-child(3)
<div class="legend"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; margin:1px 0; border:1px solid black; background-color: #FF4D4D; color:black; font-size:100%; text-align:center;"> </span> 60,0%—69,9%</div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > .legend.legend:nth-child(4)
<div class="legend"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; margin:1px 0; border:1px solid black; background-color: #FF3333; color:black; font-size:100%; text-align:center;"> </span> 70,0%—79,9%</div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > .legend.legend:nth-child(5)
<div class="legend"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; margin:1px 0; border:1px solid black; background-color: #FF1A1A; color:black; font-size:100%; text-align:center;"> </span> 80,0%—89,9%</div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table.multicol[style] > tbody > tr > td[width="\35 0\%"][align="left" > .legend.legend:nth-child(6)
<div class="legend"><span class="legend-color" style="display:inline-block; width:1.5em; height:1.5em; margin:1px 0; border:1px solid black; background-color: #FF0000; color:black; font-size:100%; text-align:center;"> </span> 90,0%—100,0%</div>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > th > a[title="Bilabiāls\ līdzskanis"]
<a href="/wiki/Bilabi%C4%81ls_l%C4%ABdzskanis" title="Bilabiāls līdzskanis">Bilabiāls</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > th > a[title="Labiodentāls\ līdzskanis"]
<a href="/wiki/Labiodent%C4%81ls_l%C4%ABdzskanis" title="Labiodentāls līdzskanis">Labiodentāls</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > th > a[title="Alveolārs\ līdzskanis"]
<a href="/wiki/Alveol%C4%81rs_l%C4%ABdzskanis" title="Alveolārs līdzskanis">Alveolārs</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > th > a[title="Postalveolārs\ līdzskanis"]
<a href="/wiki/Postalveol%C4%81rs_l%C4%ABdzskanis" title="Postalveolārs līdzskanis">Postalveolārs</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > th > a[title="Palatāls\ līdzskanis"]
<a href="/wiki/Palat%C4%81ls_l%C4%ABdzskanis" title="Palatāls līdzskanis">Palatāls</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > th > a[title="Velārs\ līdzskanis"]
<a href="/wiki/Vel%C4%81rs_l%C4%ABdzskanis" title="Velārs līdzskanis">Velārs</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Sl%C4%93dzenis" title="Slēdzenis">Slēdzenis</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
<a href="/wiki/Afrik%C4%81ta" title="Afrikāta">Afrikāta</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > b > a[title="Nazāls\ līdzskanis"]
<a href="/wiki/Naz%C4%81ls_l%C4%ABdzskanis" title="Nazāls līdzskanis">Nazāls</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[border="\32 "][style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(5) > td:nth-child(1) > b >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Vibrantie_l%C4%ABdzska%C5%86i&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Vibrantie līdzskaņi (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Vibrants</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.26 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[border="\32 "][style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(6) > td:nth-child(1) > b >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Frikat%C4%ABvie_l%C4%ABdzska%C5%86i&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Frikatīvie līdzskaņi (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Frikatīvs</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.26 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[border="\32 "][style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(7) > td:nth-child(1) > b >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Aproksimantie_l%C4%ABdzska%C5%86i&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Aproksimantie līdzskaņi (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">aproksimants</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.26 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[border="\32 "][style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(8) > td:nth-child(1) > b >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Later%C4%81lie_l%C4%ABdzska%C5%86i&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Laterālie līdzskaņi (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Laterālais</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.26 (foreground color: #ff4242, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-4'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-5'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-Valodas_saknes-7'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-9'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-1525\.-1631\.g\.-10'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-Valodas_aizsākumi-11'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-Mancelis-13'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-16'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-21'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-22'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-24'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-30'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-31'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-32'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-34'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-46'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-51'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-56'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-Aizguvumi-57'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-67'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-69'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-73'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-74'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-77'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-79'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.references-small.references-column-width > ol.references > [id='cite_note-80'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(7) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(8) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(9) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(10) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(11) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Kultūra - Total Errors: 7

Selector Context Message > > table.cquote:nth-child(3)[style] > tbody > tr > td[valign="top"]:nth-child(2)[style]
<td valign="top" style="border: none; padding: 4px 10px;">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.cquote:nth-child(5)[style] > tbody > tr > td[valign="top"]:nth-child(2)[style]
<td valign="top" style="border: none; padding: 4px 10px;">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(6) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Latvijas_olimpisko_medaļnieku_uzskaitījums - Total Errors: 3

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox.vevent > tbody > tr:nth-child(8) > .hlist[colspan="\32 "].hlist > .hlist-separated.hlist.hlist.hlist-separated > ul > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="color:gray">1948–1988</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.08 (foreground color: #808080, background color: #202122, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox.vevent > tbody > tr > td.hlist > .hlist-separated.hlist.hlist.hlist-separated > ul > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="color:gray">1932</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.08 (foreground color: #808080, background color: #202122, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox.vevent > tbody > tr:nth-child(10) > .hlist[colspan="\32 "].hlist > .hlist-separated.hlist.hlist.hlist-separated > ul > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="color:gray">1948–1988</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.08 (foreground color: #808080, background color: #202122, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Viduslaiki - Total Errors: 3

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Bērnu_cerebrālā_trieka - Total Errors: 1

Selector Context Message > > table.metadata.plainlinks.ambox.ambox-notice[style] > tbody > tr > td.mbox-text > .mbox-text-span.mbox-text-span > span[style]
<span style="font-family:sans-serif;font-size:medium;color:red;background-color:transparent;;">Brīdinājums:</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.03 (foreground color: #ff0000, background color: #202122, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Vēsture - Total Errors: 2

Selector Context Message > > div.noprint.tright.portāls2[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > a[title="Portāls\:Vēsture"]
<a href="/wiki/Port%C4%81ls:V%C4%93sture" title="Portāls:Vēsture">Vēstures portāls</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.03 (foreground color: #6d8af2, background color: #f9f9f9, font size: 10.2pt (13.6px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Valdis_Liepiņš_(aktieris) - Total Errors: 1

Selector Context Message > > ul > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Baroks - Total Errors: 6

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(vāciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(6) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Liepāja - Total Errors: 95

Selector Context Message > > table.wikitable.collapsible > tbody > tr:nth-child(7) > td:nth-child(4)[style]
<td style="background:#6666FF;color:#FFFFFF;font-size:85%;text-align:center;">−23.8<br> (−10.8)
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.27 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #6666ff, font size: 9.2pt (12.24px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.wikitable.collapsible > tbody > tr:nth-child(9) > td:nth-child(10)[style]
<td style="background:#6666FF;color:#FFFFFF;font-size:85%;text-align:center;">12.0
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.27 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #6666ff, font size: 9.2pt (12.24px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > .collapsible.wikitable.collapsible > tbody > tr:nth-child(11) > td:nth-child(3)[style]
<td style="background:#818181;color:#FFFFFF;font-size:85%;text-align:center;">64
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.89 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #818181, font size: 9.2pt (12.24px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > dl > dt
<dt>Liepājā dzimuši</dt>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(1)
<li><a href="/wiki/Herbords_K%C4%81rlis_Fr%C4%ABdrihs_B%C4%ABnemans_fon_B%C4%ABnen%C5%A1tamms" title="Herbords Kārlis Frīdrihs Bīnemans fon Bīnenštamms">Herbords Kārlis Frīdrihs Bīnemans fon Bīnenštamms</a> (1778—1840) — žurnālists un ģeogrāfs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(2)
<li><a href="/wiki/Voldem%C4%81rs_Kernigs" title="Voldemārs Kernigs">Voldemārs Kernigs</a> (1840—1917) — internists un neirologs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(3)
<li><a href="/wiki/Mi%C4%B7elis_Valters" title="Miķelis Valters">Miķelis Valters</a> (1874—1968) — politiķis;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(4)
<li><a href="/wiki/L%C4%ABna_%C5%A0terna" title="Līna Šterna">Līna Šterna</a> (1878—1968) — bioķīmiķe;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(5)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Janka_Maurs&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Janka Maurs (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Janka Maurs</a> (1883—1971) — <a href="/wiki/Baltkrievi" title="Baltkrievi">baltkrievu</a> rakstnieks;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(6)
<li><a href="/wiki/Anta_Klints" title="Anta Klints">Anta Klints</a> (1893—1970) — aktrise;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(7)
<li><a href="/wiki/Augusts_Krasti%C5%86%C5%A1" title="Augusts Krastiņš">Augusts Krastiņš</a> (1859—1942) — ASV latviešu autokonstruktors;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(8)
<li><a href="/wiki/Augusts_Annuss" title="Augusts Annuss">Augusts Annuss</a> (1893—1984) — gleznotājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(9)
<li><a href="/wiki/Eduards_Tis%C4%93" title="Eduards Tisē">Eduards Tisē</a> (1897—1961) — kinooperators;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(10)
<li><a href="/wiki/Herberts_Cukurs" title="Herberts Cukurs">Herberts Cukurs</a> (1900—1965) — lidotājs un nacistu kolaborants;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(11)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Teodors_Uldri%C4%B7is&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Teodors Uldriķis (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Teodors Uldriķis</a> (1902—1973) — gleznotājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(12)
<li><a href="/wiki/Balis_Dvarjons" title="Balis Dvarjons">Balis Dvarjons</a> (1905—1972) — <a href="/wiki/Lietuva" title="Lietuva">lietuviešu</a> komponists;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(13)
<li><a href="/wiki/Mirdza_%C4%B6empe" title="Mirdza Ķempe">Mirdza Ķempe</a> (1907—1974) — dzejniece;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(14)
<li><a href="/wiki/Arv%C4%ABds_Jansons" title="Arvīds Jansons">Arvīds Jansons</a> (1914—1984) — diriģents;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(15)
<li><a href="/wiki/Valdis_Vikmanis" title="Valdis Vikmanis">Valdis Vikmanis</a> (1915—2011) — diriģents un pedagogs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(16)
<li><a href="/wiki/Indri%C4%B7is_%C5%A0terns" title="Indriķis Šterns">Indriķis Šterns</a> (1918—2005) — vēsturnieks;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(17)
<li><a href="/wiki/T%C4%81livaldis_%C4%B6eni%C5%86%C5%A1" title="Tālivaldis Ķeniņš">Tālivaldis Ķeniņš</a> (1919—2008) — komponists<sup id="cite_ref-49" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-49"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>49<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup>;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(18)
<li><a href="/wiki/Moriss_Halle" title="Moriss Halle">Moriss Halle</a> (1923—2018) — <a href="/wiki/Amerikas_Savienot%C4%81s_Valstis" title="Amerikas Savienotās Valstis">ASV</a> valodnieks;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(19)
<li><a href="/wiki/Egons_L%C4%ABvs" title="Egons Līvs">Egons Līvs</a> (1924—1989) — rakstnieks un kinoscenārists;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(20)
<li><a href="/wiki/Ernests_Fold%C4%81ts" title="Ernests Foldāts">Ernests Foldāts</a> (1925—2003) — trimdas latviešu biologs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(21)
<li><a href="/wiki/Leon%C4%ABds_Locenieks" title="Leonīds Locenieks">Leonīds Locenieks</a> (1926—2010) — aktieris;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(22)
<li><a href="/wiki/Olafs_G%C5%ABtmanis" title="Olafs Gūtmanis">Olafs Gūtmanis</a> (1927—2012) — dzejnieks;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(23)
<li><a href="/wiki/Valdem%C4%81rs_Zandbergs" title="Valdemārs Zandbergs">Valdemārs Zandbergs</a> (1927—1994) — aktieris;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(24)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Vinifreds_Krau%C4%8Dis&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Vinifreds Kraučis (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Vinifreds Kraučis</a> (1939—2005) — tulkotājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(25)
<li><a href="/wiki/Kirovs_Lipmans" title="Kirovs Lipmans">Kirovs Lipmans</a> (1940) — uzņēmējs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(26)
<li><a href="/wiki/Ligita_D%C4%93vica" title="Ligita Dēvica">Ligita Dēvica</a> (1940) — aktrise;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(27)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=J%C4%93kabs_Ozoli%C5%86%C5%A1&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Jēkabs Ozoliņš (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Jēkabs Ozoliņš</a> (1945) — diriģents, aranžētājs, pedagogs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(1)
<li><a href="/wiki/In%C4%81ra_Kalnar%C4%81ja" title="Ināra Kalnarāja">Ināra Kalnarāja</a> (1945) — aktrise un režisore;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(2)
<li><a href="/wiki/Teofils_Bi%C4%B7is" title="Teofils Biķis">Teofils Biķis</a> (1950—2000) — pianists;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(3)
<li><a href="/wiki/Zigmars_Liepi%C5%86%C5%A1" title="Zigmars Liepiņš">Zigmars Liepiņš</a> (1952) — komponists:</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(4)
<li><a href="/wiki/Selga_Mence" title="Selga Mence">Selga Mence</a> (1953)<sup id="cite_ref-50" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-50"><span class="cite-bracket">[</span>50<span class="cite-bracket">]</span></a></sup>; — komponiste</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(5)
<li><a href="/wiki/Aivars_Hermanis" title="Aivars Hermanis">Aivars Hermanis</a> (1955) — mūziķis;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(6)
<li><a href="/wiki/Gunta_%C5%A0nipke" title="Gunta Šnipke">Gunta Šnipke</a> (1955) — dzejniece;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(7)
<li><a href="/wiki/%C4%92riks_Vilsons" title="Ēriks Vilsons">Ēriks Vilsons</a> (1956) — aktieris, režisors, dramaturgs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(8)
<li><a href="/wiki/Uldis_Marhil%C4%93vi%C4%8Ds" title="Uldis Marhilēvičs">Uldis Marhilēvičs</a> (1957) — komponists;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(9)
<li><a href="/wiki/J%C4%81nis_Grodums" title="Jānis Grodums">Jānis Grodums</a> (1958—2010) — mūziķis;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(10)
<li><a href="/wiki/J%C4%81nis_Vanags_(arhib%C4%ABskaps)" title="Jānis Vanags (arhibīskaps)">Jānis Vanags</a> (1958) — <a href="/wiki/LELB_arhib%C4%ABskaps" class="mw-redirect" title="LELB arhibīskaps">LELB arhibīskaps</a>;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(11)
<li><a href="/wiki/J%C4%81nis_L%C5%ABs%C4%93ns" title="Jānis Lūsēns">Jānis Lūsēns</a> (1959) — komponists;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(12)
<li><a href="/wiki/Laila_Pakalni%C5%86a" title="Laila Pakalniņa">Laila Pakalniņa</a> (1962) — režisore;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(13)
<li><a href="/wiki/Igo_(m%C5%ABzi%C4%B7is)" title="Igo (mūziķis)">Rodrigo Fomins</a> (1962) — dziedātājs un komponists;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(14)
<li><a href="/wiki/Ainars_Virga" title="Ainars Virga">Ainars Virga</a> (1964) —  mūziķis:</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(15)
<li><a href="/wiki/Guntars_Ra%C4%8Ds" title="Guntars Račs">Guntars Račs</a> (1965) — mūziķis un mūzikas ierakstu kompānijas vadītājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(16)
<li><a href="/wiki/Andra_Kalna%C4%8Da" title="Andra Kalnača">Andra Kalnača</a> (1965) — valodniece;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(17)
<li><a href="/wiki/Ivo_Fomins" title="Ivo Fomins">Ivo Fomins</a> (1968) — mūziķis;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(18)
<li><a href="/wiki/Gun%C4%81rs_Ansi%C5%86%C5%A1" title="Gunārs Ansiņš">Gunārs Ansiņš</a> (1970) — politiķis;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(19)
<li><a href="/wiki/Dace_Blu%C4%B7e" title="Dace Bluķe">Dace Bluķe</a> (1973) — muzikoloģe, kultūras darbiniece, politiķe;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(20)
<li><a href="/wiki/M%C4%81rti%C5%86%C5%A1_Freimanis" title="Mārtiņš Freimanis">Mārtiņš Freimanis</a> (1977—2011) — mūziķis un aktieris;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(21)
<li><a href="/wiki/Dita_L%C5%ABri%C5%86a-Egliena" class="mw-redirect" title="Dita Lūriņa-Egliena">Dita Lūriņa-Egliena</a> (1978) — aktrise;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(22)
<li><a href="/wiki/M%C4%81ris_Verpakovskis" title="Māris Verpakovskis">Māris Verpakovskis</a> (1979) — futbolists;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(23)
<li><a href="/wiki/Miroslavs_Kodis" title="Miroslavs Kodis">Miroslavs Kodis</a> (1981) — žurnālists un politiķis;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(24)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Maija_Lomidze&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Maija Lomidze (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Maija Lomidze</a> (1982) — tulkotāja;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(25)
<li><a href="/wiki/Romans_Miloslavskis" title="Romans Miloslavskis">Romans Miloslavskis</a> (1983) — peldētājs un politiķis;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(26)
<li><a href="/wiki/Anastasija_Sevastova" title="Anastasija Sevastova">Anastasija Sevastova</a> (1990) — tenisiste</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(27)
<li><a href="/wiki/Kristaps_Porzi%C5%86%C4%A3is" title="Kristaps Porziņģis">Kristaps Porziņģis</a> (1995) — basketbolists;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(28)
<li><a href="/wiki/R%C5%ABdolfs_Balcers" title="Rūdolfs Balcers">Rūdolfs Balcers</a> (1997) — hokejists;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > dl > dt
<dt>Liepājā dzīvojuši</dt>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(1)
<li><a href="/wiki/Pauls_Makss_Ber%C4%8Di" title="Pauls Makss Berči">Pauls Makss Berči</a> (1840—1911) — arhitekts;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(2)
<li><a href="/wiki/J%C4%93kabs_Jan%C5%A1evskis" title="Jēkabs Janševskis">Jēkabs Janševskis</a> (1865—1931) — rakstnieks;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(3)
<li><a href="/wiki/Mi%C4%B7elis_Pankoks" title="Miķelis Pankoks">Miķelis Pankoks</a> (1894—1983) — koktēlnieks;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(4)
<li><a href="/wiki/Zenta_Mauri%C5%86a" title="Zenta Mauriņa">Zenta Mauriņa</a> (1897—1978) — rakstniece;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(5)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Sta%C5%86islavs_Di%C5%86%C4%A3elis&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Staņislavs Diņģelis (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Staņislavs Diņģelis</a> (1899—1988) — gleznotājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(6)
<li><a href="/wiki/Nikolajs_M%C5%ABrnieks" title="Nikolajs Mūrnieks">Nikolajs Mūrnieks</a> (1904—1977) — aktieris, režisors un teātra vadītājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(7)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Roberts_St%C4%81rosts&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Roberts Stārosts (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Roberts Stārosts</a> (1908—1958) — gleznotājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(8)
<li><a href="/wiki/Irmgarde_Mitr%C4%93vice" title="Irmgarde Mitrēvice">Irmgarde Mitrēvice</a> (1909—1994) — aktrise un režisore;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(9)
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(10)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Valters_Uzticis&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Valters Uzticis (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Valters Uzticis</a> (1914­—1991) — gleznotājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(11)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Erna_O%C5%A1ele&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Erna Ošele (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Erna Ošele</a> (1915) — tekstilmāksliniece;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(12)
<li><a href="/wiki/O%C4%BC%C4%A3erts_Kroders" title="Oļģerts Kroders">Oļģerts Kroders</a> (1921—2012) — režisors;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(13)
<li><a href="/wiki/Mi%C4%B7elis_Golts" title="Miķelis Golts">Miķelis Golts</a> (1922—2007) — gleznotājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(14)
<li><a href="/wiki/Austra_Pumpure" title="Austra Pumpure">Austra Pumpure</a> (1928—2017) — aktrise un dziesminiece;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(15)
<li><a href="/wiki/Vera_%C5%A0neidere" title="Vera Šneidere">Vera Šneidere</a> (1929—2005) — aktrise;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(16)
<li><a href="/wiki/%C4%92riks_H%C4%81nbergs" title="Ēriks Hānbergs">Ēriks Hānbergs</a> (1933) — literāts;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(1)
<li><a href="/wiki/J%C4%81nis_Peters" title="Jānis Peters">Jānis Peters</a> (1939) — literāts un politiķis;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(2)
<li><a href="/wiki/Imants_Kalni%C5%86%C5%A1" title="Imants Kalniņš">Imants Kalniņš</a> (1941) — komponists un politiķis;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(3)
<li><a href="/wiki/Imants_Resnis" title="Imants Resnis">Imants Resnis</a> (1949) — diriģents un politiķis;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(4)
<li><a href="/wiki/Juris_Bartkevi%C4%8Ds" title="Juris Bartkevičs">Juris Bartkevičs</a> (1950) — aktieris;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(5)
<li><a href="/wiki/M%C4%81rti%C5%86%C5%A1_Vilsons" title="Mārtiņš Vilsons">Mārtiņš Vilsons</a> (1954) — aktieris;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(6)
<li><a href="/wiki/Juris_Rijnieks" title="Juris Rijnieks">Juris Rijnieks</a> (1958) — režisors;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(7)
<li><a href="/wiki/Egons_Dombrovskis" title="Egons Dombrovskis">Egons Dombrovskis</a> (1972) — aktieris;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(8)
<li><a href="/wiki/Andris_%C4%92rglis" title="Andris Ērglis">Andris Ērglis</a> (1983) — dziedātājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(9)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Kl%C4%81vs_Uksti%C5%86%C5%A1&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Klāvs Ukstiņš (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Klāvs Ukstiņš</a> — izdevējs un grāmatnieks;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(10)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Augusts_%C5%A0trauss&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Augusts Štrauss (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Augusts Štrauss</a> — rakstnieks un dzejnieks;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(11)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=%C4%92riks_K%C5%ABlis&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Ēriks Kūlis (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Ēriks Kūlis</a> — rakstnieks;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(12)
<li><a href="/wiki/Modris_Zihmanis" title="Modris Zihmanis">Modris Zihmanis</a> — rakstnieks;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(13)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Skaidr%C4%ABte_Elksn%C4%ABte&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Skaidrīte Elksnīte (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Skaidrīte Elksnīte</a> — gleznotāja;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(14)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Anna_Eltermane&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Anna Eltermane (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Anna Eltermane</a> — tekstilmāksliniece;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(15)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Aldis_K%C4%BCavi%C5%86%C5%A1&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Aldis Kļaviņš (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Aldis Kļaviņš</a> — gleznotājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul > li:nth-child(16)
<li><a href="/w/index.php?title=P%C4%93teris_Taukulis&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Pēteris Taukulis (vēl nav uzrakstīts)">Pēteris Taukulis</a> — mākslinieks un gleznotājs;</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
/* failed to decorate */ #content-collapsible-block-13 > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
/* failed to decorate */ #content-collapsible-block-13 > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
/* failed to decorate */ #content-collapsible-block-13 > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(vāciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Latvijas_Televīzija - Total Errors: 146

Selector Context Message > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(2) > b
<b>Otrdiena, <a href="/wiki/2._apr%C4%ABlis" title="2. aprīlis">2. aprīlī</a></b>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>19:00 – Arābu pasakas "Tūkstots un viena nakts" (krievu valodā).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>19:40 – Mākslas filma "Prologs".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>21:25 – Dokumentālās filmas: "Darbmašīnu būvniecības novatori" un "Sacensībās Turīnā".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(4) > b
<b>Trešdiena, <a href="/wiki/3._apr%C4%ABlis" title="3. aprīlis">3. aprīlī</a></b>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>19:00 – Kamermūzikas koncerts.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>19:45 – Populāri-zinātniska filma "Viņi atkal redz".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>20:20 – Televīzijas apskats "Mūsu ikdiena".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(4)
<li>20:40 – Raidījums "Uzmanību, rīdzinieki!" (latv. valodā).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(5)
<li>20:55 – Latviešu mākslas filma "<a href="/wiki/Uz_jauno_krastu" title="Uz jauno krastu">Uz jauno krastu</a>".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(7) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>19:00 – Bulduru dārzkopības tehnikuma pašdarbība "Festivāls mūs sauc!".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(7) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>19:40 – Mākslas filma "Matrozis Čižiks".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(7) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>21:05 – Raidījums "Rīgas teātros".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(7) > li:nth-child(4)
<li>21:35 – Dokumentālās kinofilmas: "Gadsimtu skaistums" un "Čechu karpa".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(8) > b
<b>Piektdiena, <a href="/wiki/5._apr%C4%ABlis" title="5. aprīlis">5. aprīlī</a></b>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(9) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>19:00 – Dziesmu vakars.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(9) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>20:00 – Kinoapraksti: "Stāsts par ledājiem" un "Rumāņu tautas dārgumi".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(9) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>20:30 – Franču mākslas filma "Žuljete".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(9) > li:nth-child(4)
<li>22:05 – Mūsu techniskā konsultācija (krievu valodā).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(11) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>19:00 – Kinokomēdija "Pašpārliecinātais Karandašs".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(11) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>19:20 – Pārruna "Kā radusies grāmata" (latviešu valodā).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(11) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>19:50 – Kinoapraksti: "Ceļu sākums" un "Suvoroviešu spartakiadē".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(11) > li:nth-child(4)
<li>20:20 – Latviešu mākslas filma "<a href="/wiki/Salna_pavasar%C4%AB_(filma)" title="Salna pavasarī (filma)">Salna pavasarī</a>".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(11) > li:nth-child(5)
<li>21:45 – Estrāde un cirks.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(12) > b
<b>Svētdiena, <a href="/wiki/7._apr%C4%ABlis" title="7. aprīlis">7. aprīlī</a></b>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(13) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>13:00 – Raidījums skolēniem "Dāvanas festivālam" (latviešu valodā).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(13) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>13:30 – Ķīniešu mākslas filma "Mūsu dzimtenes ziedi".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(13) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>14:50 – Raidījums lauksaimniecības darbiniekiem.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(13) > li:nth-child(4)
<li>19:00 – Koncerts.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(13) > li:nth-child(5)
<li>19:25 – <a href="/wiki/Gun%C4%81rs_Priede" title="Gunārs Priede">G. Priedes</a> luga "Jaunākā brāļa vasara". Translācija no J. Raiņa vārdā nosauktā Valsts Dailes teātra.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > p:nth-child(2)
<p>Rīgas Televīzijas studijas programma 1962. gada 26. novembrī.
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(3) > b
<b>I programma</b>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>18:00 – Raidījumu programma.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>18:05 – "Zinātnes un teknikas pasaulē" (latv. val.).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>18:15 – Kinožurnāls.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(4)
<li>18:30 – "Tālo pasauļu pētnieki". Pārraide no Maskavas.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(5)
<li>19:15 – Bērniem, Atbildam uz Jūsu vēstulēm (latv. un krievu val.).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(6)
<li>19:25 – Multiplikācijas filma "Miljons maisā" (krievu val.).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(7)
<li>19:55 – No žurnāla "Māksla" slejām (latv. val.).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(8)
<li>20:35 – Televīzijas panorāma (latv. val.).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(9)
<li>21:00 – Rumāņu mākslas filma "Nozagtā bumba".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(10)
<li>22:30 – Televīzijas ziņas. Pārraide no Maskavas.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(6) > li
<li>18:00 – Teātra izrāde. (krievu val.).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > p:nth-child(8)
<p>Rīgas Televīzijas studijas programma 1964. gada 15. maijā.
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(9) > b
<b>I programma</b>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(10) > li
<li>12:00 – Dokumentālā filma "Senās kultūras valstis" (krievu valodā)</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(11)
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(12) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>17:55 – Raidījumu programma.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(12) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>18:00 – Padomi jaunajiem tehniķiem "Gatavosimies vasaras nometnēm"</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(12) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>18:35 – Bērniem. Multiplikācijas filma "Divi negausīgi lācēni" (latviešu valodā).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(12) > li:nth-child(4)
<li>18:45 – Televīzijas apskats (krievu valodā).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(12) > li:nth-child(5)
<li>19:05 – "TV Globuss" Nr. 10 (Amerikas krustcelēs).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(12) > li:nth-child(6)
<li>19:45 – No cikla "Pa dzimto zemi" Kinoapraksts "Ladonaki" (krievu valodā).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(12) > li:nth-child(7)
<li>19:55 – Televīzijas panorāma</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(12) > li:nth-child(8)
<li>20:15 – Mākslas filma "Dunajevska melodijas"</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(12) > li:nth-child(9)
<li>21:30 – Televīzijas ziņas. Pārraide no Maskavas.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(12) > li:nth-child(10)
<li>22:00 – Koncerts. Pārraide no Maskavas.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > p:nth-child(13) > b
<b>II programma</b>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(14) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>13:00 – Centrālās televīzijas raidījumi.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(14) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>16:55 – Centrālās televīzijas raidījumi.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>17:40 – Raidījumu programma.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>17:45 – "Telefilma - Rīga" kinozāle. Bērniem. Filmas "Hallo, Hela!" Pirmizrāde. (latviešu val.).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>18:00 – "Tavs ieguldījums". Par personīgās atbildības lomu dzīvē.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(4)
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(5)
<li>21:00 – PSKP XXIV kongresu sagaidot. Stāsts par komunisti Ilgu Kundziņu.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(6)
<li>21:20 – Televīzijas sporta ekrāns.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(7)
<li>21:40 – Jaunatnei "Mozaīka".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(8)
<li>22:45 – <a href="/wiki/Sanktp%C4%93terburga" title="Sanktpēterburga">Ļeņingradas</a> televīzijas studijas baletfilma "Horeogrāfiskās miniatūras".<br>Rīt mūsu ekrānos.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(6) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>17:20 – Raidījumu programma.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(6) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>17:25 – Skolēniem. <a href="/wiki/Polija" title="Polija">Polijas</a> TV daudzsēriju mākslas filma "Suņa Civija piedzīvojumi". 7. sērija.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(6) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>17:50 – No cikla "Kinovēstures lapuses". Mākslas filma "Kā tikt vaļā no Helenkas" (krievu val.).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(6) > li:nth-child(4)
<li>19:10 – "Aktuāls komentārs".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(6) > li:nth-child(5)
<li>19:20 – No cikla "Simfoniskā orķestra attīstība".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(6) > li:nth-child(6)
<li>20:00 – TV panorāma.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(6) > li:nth-child(7)
<li>20:25 – A. Arbuzovs. "Vakara stunda". TV uzveduma pirmizrāde. Starpbrīžos - kinoapskati.<br>Nobeigumā - gaidāmais laiks un "Rīt mūsu ekrānos".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>9:35 – Krievu valoda sešgadīgo bērnu apmācībai. "Дом в лесу".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>9:50 – <a href="/wiki/Azerbaid%C5%BE%C4%81na" title="Azerbaidžāna">Azerbaidžānas</a> televīzijas dokumentālā filma "Tautas daiļamata meistari".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>10:05 – Latviešu literatūra 8. klasei. "I. Ziedoņa publicistika".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(4)
<li>10:35 – Fizika profesionāli tehnisko vidusskolu I kursa audzēkņiem. "Šķidrumu īpašības".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(4) > li
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(1)
<li>17:00 – Raidījumu programma.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(2)
<li>17:05 – Ziņas.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(3)
<li>17:10 – "Skolēniem no 10 līdz 14".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(4)
<li>18:00 – Bērniem. Multiplikācijas filma "Ja nu izdotos...".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(5)
<li>18:05 – "Rūdījums".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(6)
<li>18:35 – <a href="/wiki/Baltkrievija" title="Baltkrievija">Baltkrievijas</a> televīzijas koncertfilma "Katram sava dzimtene".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(7)
<li>19:05 – "PSKP CK 1983. gada decembra Plēnuma lēmumus īstenojot". "Tautsaimniecības ekrāns".<br>Konkurss "Inžinieri - ražošanas efektivitātei".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(8)
<li>19:40 – <a href="/wiki/Mold%C4%81vija" title="Moldāvija">Moldāvijas</a> televīzijas koncertfilma "Senlolotā dziesma".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(9)
<li>20:00 – Informatīvā programma "Panorāma".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(10)
<li>20:30 – "Mūsu mākslinieki".<br>Ā. Alksnim - 120., V. Kalnrozem - 90., A. Apinim - 80.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(11)
<li>21:00 – "Laiks". CT.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul:nth-child(5) > li:nth-child(12)
<li>21:35 – Kinostudijas "Tallinfilm" mākslas filma "Ligzda vējā".<br>Nobeigumā - ziņas.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(1)
<li>12:00 – "Musica humana". Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas dienai veltītais Dievkalpojums Rīgas Domā.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(2)
<li>13:50 – "Latvijas TV kinozālē". Pirmizrāde. Dokumentālā filma "Kārlis Zāle".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(3)
<li>14:40 – "Sibīrija - likteņzeme". Pa Jeņiseju - pie latviešiem.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.1 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #27292d, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(4)
<li>15:10 – "Toronto vasaras atbalsis". "Balsis".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.1 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #27292d, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(5)
<li>15:50 – "Latvijas TV kinozālē". Pirmizrāde. Dokumentālā filma "Dzintara ceļš".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.1 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #27292d, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(6)
<li>17:00 – Latvijas republikas proklamēšanas gadadienā. Svētku koncerts. Pārraide no Latvijas Filarmonijas koncertzāles.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.1 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #27292d, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(7)
<li>18:15 – Pirmizrāde. Rīgas kinostudijas dokumentālā filma "Brīvlaišana".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.1 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #27292d, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(8)
<li>18:55 – Bērniem. "Burvju durtiņas". J. Ābola dziesmas dzied "Knīpas un knauķi".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.1 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #27292d, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(9)
<li>19:15 – "Šodien, 1991. gada 18. novembrī" Vizuāls stāsts par pieminekli Zaķusalā.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.1 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #27292d, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(10)
<li>19:45 – "Šodien". Ziņas (krievu val.).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(11)
<li>19:55 – Sludinājumi un reklāma (krievu val.).</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(12)
<li>20:00 – "Ekrāns bērniem". "Melnā kaste". Valsts karogs.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(13)
<li>20:20 – Sludinājumi un reklāma.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(14)
<li>20:30 – "Panorāma".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(15)
<li>21:00 – Sludinājumi.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(16)
<li>21:05 – "Gadskārtas raksti".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(17)
<li>21:35 – Programma "Neatkarība".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(18)
<li>22:05 – Kultūras programma "Zīmes".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(19)
<li>23:00 – "Reveranss". Deju programma.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > p > b
<b>Latvijas TV 1 programma. Ceturtdiena, 2004. gada 18. novembris.</b>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(1)
<li>07:55 – "Mūzika, titri".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(2)
<li>08:00 – "Balāde par Kurbadu". Animācijas filma.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(3)
<li>08:30 – "Bagātie un slavenie". Argentīnas seriāls. 137. sērija.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(4)
<li>09:25 – "Dziesmas klips".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(5)
<li>09:30 – "Tādi esam".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(6)
<li>10:00 – Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 86. gadadienai veltīts ekumēnisks dievkalpojums. Pārraide no sv. Jāņa baznīcas Rīgā.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(7)
<li>11:00 – "Rīga - iedvesmas pilsēta". Skatu filma.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(8)
<li>11:10 – "Latvijas nacionālo partizānu karš. 1. daļa". Studijas SCILLA dokumentālā filma. Režisors R.Rikards. 2003.g.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(9)
<li>11:55 – "Dziesmas klips".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(10)
<li>12:00 – Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 86. gadadienai veltīta Saeimas svinīgā sēde.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(11)
<li>12:20 – "Kas notiek Latvijā". Publiskās debates Latvijas TV. Vada J.Domburs.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(12)
<li>13:40 – "Mans būs mans".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(13)
<li>14:00 – Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 86. gadadienai veltīta Nacionālo bruņoto spēku parāde. Tiešraide no 11. novembra krastmalas.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(14)
<li>14:45 – "Dziesmas klips".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(15)
<li>14:50 – "Latvijas nacionālo partizānu karš. 2. daļa". Studijas SCILLA dokumentālā filma. Režisors R.Rikards. 2003.g.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(16)
<li>15:40 – "Reālā Eiropa".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(17)
<li>15:55 – "Bagātie un slavenie". Argentīnas seriāls. 137. sērija.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(18)
<li>16:45 – BBC un LTV piedāvā... "Tvīniji". Seriāls.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[cellspacing="\30 "][cellpadding="\30 "[style] > tbody > tr[valign="top"] > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(19)
<li>17:05 – BBC un LTV piedāvā... "Tvīniji". Seriāls.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(20)
<li>17:30 – "Juniors TV".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(21)
<li>18:00 – "Šodien". Ziņas.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(22)
<li>18:10 – "Dziesmas klips".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(23)
<li>18:15 – "Manas tiesības".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(24)
<li>18:30 – "Bērzu auklētā vasara". Radošās studijas "Savai zemītei" videostāsts.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(25)
<li>19:25 – "Uz mīlestības spārniem". Latviešu kamermūziku izpilda trīs tenori - M.Jenčs, N.Puntulis, G.Ruņģis.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(26)
<li>20:00 – Latvijas Valsts prezidentes V.Vīķes-Freibergas svētku uzruna. Tiešraide no Brīvības pieminekļa laukuma.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(27)
<li>20:30 – "Panorāma".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(28)
<li>21:00 – Svētku salūts. Tiešraide no 11. Novembra krastmalas.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(29)
<li>21:10 – "Latvijas laikā".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(30)
<li>21:30 – Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 86. gadadienai veltīts svētku koncerts. Tiešraide no Latvijas Nacionālā teātra.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(31)
<li>22:00 – "Abi labi".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(32)
<li>22:35 – "Viss notiek".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > ul > li:nth-child(33)
<li>23:05 – "Zootrops".</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > ul > li:nth-child(34)
<li>23:35 – "Šeit un tagad". Saruna ar skatītāju. Tiešraide. t. 7200505. Studijā bērnu ārsts Pēteris Kļava un ģimenes psihoterapeite Maija Pļaveniece.</li>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Spānija - Total Errors: 42

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox.geography.vcard > tbody > tr > td > font
<font color="#009900">ļoti augsts</font>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.26 (foreground color: #009900, background color: #202122, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox > tbody > tr > th > div.plainlinks.hlist.navbar > ul > li.nv-diskusija > > span[title="Diskusija\ par\ šo\ veidni"][style]
<span title="Diskusija par šo veidni" style="color:#002bb8;;">diskusija</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.79 (foreground color: #002bb8, background color: #101418, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[align="top"]:nth-child(1) > .legend.legend:nth-child(1)
<div class="legend">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[align="top"]:nth-child(1) > .legend.legend:nth-child(2)
<div class="legend">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > .legend.legend:nth-child(3)
<div class="legend">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > .legend.legend:nth-child(4)
<div class="legend">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table[style] > tbody > tr > td > .legend.legend:nth-child(5)
<div class="legend">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[align="top"]:nth-child(2) > .legend.legend:nth-child(1)
<div class="legend">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > figure > figcaption > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[align="top"]:nth-child(2) > .legend.legend:nth-child(2)
<div class="legend">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.14 (foreground color: #202122, background color: #101418, font size: 9.8pt (13px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-sofiture-3'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-5'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-6'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-7'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-11'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-12'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.95 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #27292d, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-13'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.95 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #27292d, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-guru-14'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.95 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #27292d, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-15'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.95 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #27292d, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-16'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.95 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #27292d, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-17'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-18'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-19'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-20'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-21'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-22'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-23'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-24'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-25'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-26'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-27'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-28'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-29'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-52'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > div.reflist4 > div.references-small.columns.references-column-count.references-column-count-2 > ol.references > [id='cite_note-liis\.lv-53'] > .reference-text.reference-text > span:nth-child(1)[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(vāciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(ukrainiski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(ukrainiski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(6) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(7) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(spāņu)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(8) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Pirmais_pasaules_karš - Total Errors: 8

Selector Context Message > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(vāciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(6) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(7) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(8) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(9) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Ķīmisko_elementu_periodiskā_tabula - Total Errors: 15

Selector Context Message > > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(10)[style]
<td style="text-align:center;background-color:#c0ffff;color:red;border:1px solid black;">10<br><a href="/wiki/Neons" title="Neons">Ne</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.61 (foreground color: #ff0000, background color: #c0ffff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(5) > td:nth-child(9)[style]
<td style="text-align:center;background-color:#ffff99;color:red;border:1px solid black;">17<br><a href="/wiki/Hlors" title="Hlors">Cl</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.81 (foreground color: #ff0000, background color: #ffff99, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(5) > td:nth-child(10)[style]
<td style="text-align:center;background-color:#c0ffff;color:red;border:1px solid black;">18<br><a href="/wiki/Argons" title="Argons">Ar</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.61 (foreground color: #ff0000, background color: #c0ffff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(6) > td:nth-child(19)[style]
<td style="text-align:center;background-color:#c0ffff;color:red;border:1px solid black;">36<br><a href="/wiki/Kriptons" title="Kriptons">Kr</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.61 (foreground color: #ff0000, background color: #c0ffff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(7) > td:nth-child(19)[style]
<td style="text-align:center;background-color:#c0ffff;color:red;border:1px solid black;">54<br><a href="/wiki/Ksenons" title="Ksenons">Xe</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.61 (foreground color: #ff0000, background color: #c0ffff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(8) > td:nth-child(13)[style]
<td style="text-align:center;background-color:#ffc0c0;color:green;border:1px solid black;">80<br><a href="/wiki/Dz%C4%ABvsudrabs" title="Dzīvsudrabs">Hg</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.31 (foreground color: #008000, background color: #ffc0c0, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(8) > td:nth-child(19)[style]
<td style="text-align:center;background-color:#c0ffff;color:red;border:1px dashed black;">86<br><a href="/wiki/Radons" title="Radons">Rn</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.61 (foreground color: #ff0000, background color: #c0ffff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(9) > td:nth-child(13)[style]
<td style="text-align:center;background-color:#ffc0c0;color:green;border:1px dotted black;">112<br><a href="/wiki/Kopernikijs" title="Kopernikijs">Cn</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.31 (foreground color: #008000, background color: #ffc0c0, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="color:green;">zaļā</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.6 (foreground color: #008000, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="color:black;">melnā</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 1.13 (foreground color: #000000, background color: #101418, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(angliski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(3) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(4) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(franciski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(5) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(krieviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > ul > li:nth-child(6) > span[style]
<span style="font-size:0.95em; font-weight:bold; color:#555;">(latviski)</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.48 (foreground color: #555555, background color: #101418, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1