Sun Sep 8 02:15:57 UTC 2024

Wikipedia Color Contrast Errors

Baseline: 48

Scanned 50 pages.

38 pages without color contrast violations.

12 pages with color contrast violations.

Ard-ghuillag - Total Errors: 2

Selector Context Message > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td[style] > div:nth-child(1) >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Boayl_Eiraght_Dowanagh_UNESCO&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Boayl Eiraght Dowanagh UNESCO (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Buill Eiraght Dowanagh UNESCO</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.43 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #faf5ff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Coip-chiart&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Wikipedia:Coip-chiart (cha nel y duillag ayn)">seyr-stoo</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.43 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #faf5ff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

16_Boaldyn - Total Errors: 2

Selector Context Message > > table.toccolours > tbody > tr[style] > td > b > a[href$="Boaldyn"]
<a href="/wiki/Boaldyn" title="Boaldyn">Boaldyn</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.48 (foreground color: #3366cc, background color: #ccccff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.toccolours > tbody > tr[style] > td > a[href="\/wiki\/2024"]
<a href="/wiki/2024" title="2024">2024</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.48 (foreground color: #3366cc, background color: #ccccff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Gaelg - Total Errors: 11

Selector Context Message > > center > table.wikitable > tbody > tr > th[colspan="\33 "]:nth-child(2)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Liurid_vreeockle&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Liurid vreeockle (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Giare</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.69 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #ffdead, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > center > table.wikitable > tbody > tr > th[colspan="\33 "]:nth-child(3)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Liurid_vreeockle&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Liurid vreeockle (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Liauyr</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.69 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #ffdead, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > center > table.wikitable > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > th:nth-child(1)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Breeockle_toshee&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Breeockle toshee (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Toshee</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.88 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #ffe4c4, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > center > table.wikitable > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > th:nth-child(2)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Breeockle_meanagh&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Breeockle meanagh (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Meanagh</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.88 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #ffe4c4, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > center > table.wikitable > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > th:nth-child(3)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Breeockle_cooyl&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Breeockle cooyl (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Cooyl</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.88 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #ffe4c4, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > center > table.wikitable > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(4)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Breeockle_toshee&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Breeockle toshee (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Toshee</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.88 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #ffe4c4, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > center > table.wikitable > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(5)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Breeockle_meanagh&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Breeockle meanagh (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Meanagh</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.88 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #ffe4c4, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > center > table.wikitable > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(6)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Breeockle_cooyl&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Breeockle cooyl (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Cooyl</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.88 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #ffe4c4, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > center > table.wikitable > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > th[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Breeockle_doont&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Breeockle doont (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Doont</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.69 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #ffdead, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > center > table.wikitable > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > th[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Breeockle_eddyr&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Breeockle eddyr (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Eddyr</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.69 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #ffdead, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > center > table.wikitable > tbody > tr:nth-child(5) > th[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Breeockle_foshlit&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Breeockle foshlit (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Foshlit</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.69 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #ffdead, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Yn_Roosh - Total Errors: 1

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox.geography.vcard > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(2)[style]
<span style="color:#090">ard</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.58 (foreground color: #009900, background color: #f8f9fa, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Ard-whaiyl_y_Reeriaght_Unnaneysit_as_Nerin_Hwoaie - Total Errors: 8

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > th[colspan="\32 "][style]
<th colspan="2" class="" style="text-align:center; font-size:125%; font-weight:bold; padding:0.25em; background:#CFB53B; color:white; font-size:115%;">
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.03 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #cfb53b, font size: 12.4pt (16.56px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr > th[colspan="\32 "][style] > i
<i>Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland</i>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.03 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #cfb53b, font size: 12.4pt (16.56px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > th[colspan="\32 "][style]
<th colspan="2" class="" style="text-align:center; background:#CFB53B; color:white;">Sorçh</th>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.03 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #cfb53b, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(5) > th[colspan="\32 "][style]
<th colspan="2" class="" style="text-align:center; background:#CFB53B; color:white;">Leeideiltys</th>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.03 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #cfb53b, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(8) > th[colspan="\32 "][style]
<th colspan="2" class="" style="text-align:center; background:#CFB53B; color:white;">Strughtoor</th>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.03 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #cfb53b, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(12) > th[colspan="\32 "][style]
<th colspan="2" class="" style="text-align:center; background:#CFB53B; color:white;">Reihys</th>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.03 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #cfb53b, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(14) > th[colspan="\32 "][style]
<th colspan="2" class="" style="text-align:center; background:#CFB53B; color:white;">Boayl çhionnal</th>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.03 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #cfb53b, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(16) > th[colspan="\32 "][style]
<th colspan="2" class="" style="text-align:center; background:#CFB53B; color:white;">Ynnyd-eggey</th>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.03 (foreground color: #ffffff, background color: #cfb53b, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Yn_Austeyr - Total Errors: 2

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox.geography.vcard > tbody > tr:nth-child(28) > td:nth-child(2) > span[style]
<span style="color:#090">injil</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.58 (foreground color: #009900, background color: #f8f9fa, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox.geography.vcard > tbody > tr:nth-child(29) > td:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(2)[style]
<span style="color:#090">ard</span>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.58 (foreground color: #009900, background color: #f8f9fa, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Çhengaghyn_Ind-Oarpagh - Total Errors: 7

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Yn_Aishey_Yiass&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Yn Aishey Yiass (cha nel y duillag ayn)">yn Aishey Yiass</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.32 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f4f4f4, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr > td >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Yn_Aishey_Veanagh&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Yn Aishey Veanagh (cha nel y duillag ayn)">yn Aishey Veanagh</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.32 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f4f4f4, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Yn_Aishey_Heear_Yiass&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Yn Aishey Heear Yiass (cha nel y duillag ayn)">yn Aishey Heear Yiass</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.32 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f4f4f4, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr > td > div:nth-child(5) >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=%C3%87hengaghyn_Baltagh-Slavagh&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Çhengaghyn Baltagh-Slavagh (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Baltagh-Slavagh</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.32 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f4f4f4, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr > td > div > small >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=%C3%87hengaghyn_Eeraanagh&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Çhengaghyn Eeraanagh (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Eeraanagh</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.32 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f4f4f4, font size: 9.5pt (12.6667px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr > td > div > small >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=%C3%87hengaghyn_Ind-Ayreeanagh&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Çhengaghyn Ind-Ayreeanagh (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Ind-Ayreeanagh</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.32 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f4f4f4, font size: 9.5pt (12.6667px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox[style] > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=ISO_639-2&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="ISO 639-2 (cha nel y duillag ayn)">ISO 639-2</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.32 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f4f4f4, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Beijing - Total Errors: 1

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox.geography.vcard > tbody > tr.mergedtoprow > td[style] > b > .category.category >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Baljaghtyn_fo_stiurey_jeeragh_(y_%C3%87heen)&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Baljaghtyn fo stiurey jeeragh (y Çheen) (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Baljaght</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.51 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #cddeff, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Lus - Total Errors: 2

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox.biota > tbody > tr > th[style] > small >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Cambriagh&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Cambriagh (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Cambriagh</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.35 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #90ee90, font size: 9.0pt (12px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox.biota > tbody > tr > th[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Rang_bea-oaylleeagh&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Rang bea-oaylleeagh (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Rang oaylleeagh</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.35 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #90ee90, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Main_Page - Total Errors: 2

Selector Context Message > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td[style] > div:nth-child(1) >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Boayl_Eiraght_Dowanagh_UNESCO&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Boayl Eiraght Dowanagh UNESCO (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Buill Eiraght Dowanagh UNESCO</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.43 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #faf5ff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table[style] > tbody > tr > td.MainPageBG[style] > table[style] > tbody > tr > td[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Coip-chiart&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Wikipedia:Coip-chiart (cha nel y duillag ayn)">seyr-stoo</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.43 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #faf5ff, font size: 12.0pt (16px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Neetragien - Total Errors: 1

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox > tbody > tr > th.infobox-header[style] > a[title="Taabyl\ reiltagh\ ny\ bunstooghyn"]
<a href="/wiki/Taabyl_reiltagh_ny_bunstooghyn" title="Taabyl reiltagh ny bunstooghyn">taabyl ny bunstooghyn</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.21 (foreground color: #3366cc, background color: #b0d1ad, font size: 11.4pt (15.2px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

Reeriaght_Unnaneysit - Total Errors: 9

Selector Context Message > > table.infobox.geography.vcard > tbody > tr > td > font
<font color="#009900">ard</font>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.58 (foreground color: #009900, background color: #f8f9fa, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(2)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Rolley_ny_baljyn_smoo_rere_earroo_yn_phobble_%27sy_Reeriaght_Unnaneysit&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Rolley ny baljyn smoo rere earroo yn phobble 'sy Reeriaght Unnaneysit (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Rhenk</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f5f5f5, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(4)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Ynnyd_(%C3%A7heeroaylleeaght)&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Ynnyd (çheeroaylleeaght) (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Ynnyd</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f5f5f5, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(5)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Rolley_ny_baljyn_smoo_rere_earroo_yn_phobble_%27sy_Reeriaght_Unnaneysit&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Rolley ny baljyn smoo rere earroo yn phobble 'sy Reeriaght Unnaneysit (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Earroo yn phobble</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f5f5f5, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(6)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Rolley_ny_baljyn_smoo_rere_earroo_yn_phobble_%27sy_Reeriaght_Unnaneysit&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Rolley ny baljyn smoo rere earroo yn phobble 'sy Reeriaght Unnaneysit (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Rhenk</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f5f5f5, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(7)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Staydys_ard-valjagh_%27sy_Reeriaght_Unnaneysit&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Staydys ard-valjagh 'sy Reeriaght Unnaneysit (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Ard-valley</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f5f5f5, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(8)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Ynnyd_(%C3%A7heeroaylleeaght)&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Ynnyd (çheeroaylleeaght) (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Ynnyd</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f5f5f5, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox > tbody > tr > th:nth-child(9)[style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Rolley_ny_baljyn_smoo_rere_earroo_yn_phobble_%27sy_Reeriaght_Unnaneysit&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Rolley ny baljyn smoo rere earroo yn phobble 'sy Reeriaght Unnaneysit (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Earroo yn phobble</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f5f5f5, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: bold). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1 > > table.infobox > tbody > tr > td[colspan="\31 1"][style] >
<a href="/w/index.php?title=Coontey-pobble_y_Reeriaght_Unnaneysit_2001&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Coontey-pobble y Reeriaght Unnaneysit 2001 (cha nel y duillag ayn)">Coontey-pobble 2001</a>
Fix any of the following: Element has insufficient color contrast of 4.36 (foreground color: #d73333, background color: #f5f5f5, font size: 10.8pt (14.4px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1